Chapter 8: Arrows and Scourges

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(The Arrow Family is still trying their best to hold off Watts' soldiers. Black Canary uses her screams to incapacitate them. White Canary fights other soldiers hand to hand.)

Red Arrow: Too many of them! We'll not... (suddenly a mechtogan comes in and overwhelm Watts' soldiers) ...make it...

(Then Dan and Dragon come in as Zenthon shows up)

(Then Dan and Dragon come in as Zenthon shows up)

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Zenthon: You guys asked for help?

Speedy: Since when do you have a robot, Dan.

Dan: I don't.

Drago: Zenthon came from the same dimension we bakugan came from. He is a mechtogan. He became reliable once Dan and I synced.

Red Arrow: This explains all.

(Then Naruto and his group come in)

Naruto: Hey, what happened? Are you alright?

(Green Arrow sees Dark Archer about to shoot an arrow.)

Green Arrow: Watch out!

(Dark Archer shoots, but Jaune defends the group with his Crocea Mors)

Jaune: Wow, that was close...

(Nora draws her Magnhild)

Nora: Time to break some legs!

(Unfortunately for Nora, Zenthon goes towards Dark Archer, who shoots some arrows, but the arrows can't penetrate the mechtogan and it pins Dark Archer. Refusing to waste her opportunity, Nora joins the mechtogan and...)

Nora: Say goodbye to your legs, Dark Archer!

(Then Nora swings her magnhild and breaks one of Merlyn's legs as he screams in pain)

Green Arrow: If Batman was here, he would try to take your friend to Arkham.

Ren: Nora enjoys breaking her enemies' legs much often.

(But then Scourge comes in and runs over the duo with his speed)

(But then Scourge comes in and runs over the duo with his speed)

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