Chapter 12: Bullfighting

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(The heroes proceed to another area from Atlas, where they spot various White Fang Soldiers.)

WF Soldier: It's that traitor!

(The White Fang Soldiers try to attack, but then they get shot by the Lone Ranger.)

Yin: The Lone Ranger?

Yin: The Lone Ranger?

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L. Ranger: Yes, it's me.

Coco: I would love to see Yin dressed as a cowboy.

Velvet: Don't mind Coco. All she talks is about fashion.

L. Ranger: I see...

Yin: Let's get moving.

(Then our heroes proceed further and on the way, they see more White Fang Soldiers, but they were already defeated. Some had their legs or arms scarred. Then they see a black figure.)

Heroes: It's... It's...

(The figure reveals to be none other than the legendary Zorro)

Heroes: Zorro!

(Then Blake notices that Zorro left a "Z" mark in some of the White Fang Soldiers.)

Blake: I read about him in the books, but I never thought such legend could ever be real.

Sun: Me neither.

Ilia: Me neither.

Coco: Nice looks.

Coco: Nice looks

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Zorro: Gracias.

Clover: Te hay visto un hombre mal llamado Adam Taurus?

Zorro: Adam Taurus?

Blake: He is a terrorist who leads  an once peaceful organization called White Fang.

Zorro: Entonces él eres el culpable de todo eso?

Ilia: To be honest, he is just a pawn of the true criminal mastermind named Cinder Fall.

Yin: She is the current Fall Maiden. And she is power hungry.

Clover: Estamos atentando impedir que ella disperte un monstruo llamado Rey Ghidorah.

Zorro: Entiendo... Voy a ayudarles!

(Then they proceed further as Yin asks a question to Clover)

Yin: You speak Spanish?

Clover: I don't lead the Ace Operatives for nothing!

(Then they finally find Adam Taurus)

Yin: Gotcha, Adam Taurus!

Adam: Huh?

(Then Adam sees the heroes.)

Adam: First Blake, now you, Ilia.

Yin: Surrender, Adam!

Adam: Blake hurt me. And I'll never stop until I hurt her back!

(Then Adam draws his weapons, but Zorro and Lone Ranger attack Adam. Zorro has a sword clash with Adam. The clash lasts two minutes until Zorro sweeps Adam's sword, then marks his chest with a "Z". Adam tries to shoot Zorro, but the Lone Ranger shoots his arm. Then General Ironwood comes in and handcuffs Adam Taurus.)

Ironwood: It looks like you got finally caught, Adam Taurus. (communicates with Winter) Winter. Prepare a cell for Adam Taurus.

Winter: I'm afraid that's not possible, General. Cinder broke all prisoners out of the Prison Tower. A big riot is starting.

Ironwood: Damn it... (to the Ace Operatives) Soldiers. Keep an eye on Adam Taurus. Make sure he doesn't get to escape. I don't wanna miss this chance to arrest him.

Ace Ops: Roger!

Ironwood: Yin, Zorro, Lone Ranger, Team CFVY, you're with me. Let's put an end to the riot Cinder has caused. (to Blake) You, Ilia and Sun. Go back to Beacon and report everything to Ozpin.

(Then the heroes decide to try to stop the prison riot Cinder has caused. Will our heroes manage to stop Cinder before she awakes King Ghidorah? Stay tuned to know!)

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