Chapter 6

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I turn my head at the sound of my name. Its Olivia. She's motioning me to come and sit with her and her friends.

I was planning to sit in my usual spot - at the end of the Gryffindor table - But I guess it wouldn't hurt to sit with Olivia. She was nice enough to lend me her clothes last night. I was expecting a thousand questions, but by the time I got back from Slytherin house she was fast asleep.

I walked over to where Olivia was sitting and carried my tray cautiously. There was only one empty seat beside her and another girl. The girl has shiny blonde hair, unlike Olivias. Her features were very symmetrical. She wore a blank expression on her face.

I carefully sat down in between them and gave her friends a tight lipped smile. Three others guys sat in front of us. One I recognized to be Marco Chang, Cho Chang's brother. He looked very similar to Cho with his mat black hair and chubby face. He sat directly in front of me. To his left was another boy with caramel brown, wavy hair. Many freckles dotted his face. To Marcos right was the last of Olivias friends. He had dark skin and his black hair was in coils. He smiled a straight-tooth smile at me.

When I looked at Olivia she was smiling. "Hermoine, these are my friends", She motioned towards them. They either smiled or nodded at me. All except for the blonde to my right. She was scowling, looking very unhappy. What is her deal?

Olivia continues on, "That's Marco", she points at Cho's brother. "Enid", Then at the boy with the curly hair. "Loui", The caramel haired boy winks. "And then Gia", she motions toward the scowling blonde.

I try my best to put on a convincing smile for them all. "Hi, I'm Hermoine", I greet.

"We know who you are", Gia replies, rolling her eyes. I frown a little. Olivia gives her a look.

"Well it's nice to meet you Hermoine", Enid contradicts. Marco and Loui nod.

They go about their normal conversations. Including me in whenever they can. Olivias friends seem pretty normal. Even Gia looks almost bearable when she's not staring me down. I'm relieved and a bit shocked when they don't act like I'm a saint. They aren't nervous to speak freely around me or praise me every five seconds. It might sound arrogant, but I was getting used to saying a quick "thank you" when random students gave me compliments.

I sneak a quick look over to Mattheo's table even though he made it abundantly clear he doesn't want to see me. I don't want to see him either. My eyes deceive me. He's not eating, nor responding when Draco says something to him. Blaise is gone. Theo is nowhere to be found either. I let out a quick breath at that. Mattheo is just sticking his fork into his meat loaf and dragging it around the plate. Too bad for him. It's really good meat loaf, I think, shoving a bite of my own into my mouth.


Olivias voice pulls me out of my daze.

"Oh sorry- um- yes?", I stammer out.

"I was just saying how grateful we were to have another girl around here. It was starting to get crowded around here with all these guys. Ain't that right, Gia?"

"No, I wasn't feeling crowded at all", Gia chimes in.

She definitely doesn't like me.

Olivia let's out a nervous laugh, trying to break the tension.

"Well I think there's just enough room for all of us", Loui blurts, giving me another wink. I hope he doesn't intend it to be attractive.

Enid notices my distaste and laughs. I give him a small smile of my own.

All The Lies You Tell - MATTHEO RIDDLEWhere stories live. Discover now