Chapter 33

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The bright sunlight blared onto my closed eyelids, making them slowly flutter open. I widely yawn and stretch my arms out far above my head. My closed fists knock against the headboard involuntarily. I drag my hand back down and wipe it across my face, finally feeling alive enough to open my eyes.

I glance around at the empty bed, not surprised. I throw my legs over the side of the mattress and push myself up. My bare feet feel cold against the hardwood. I walk over to my previously discarded shorts from last night and pick them up. Currently dressed in an oversized, plain grey shirt belonging to Mattheo, I pair them with the black cotton shorts.

Mattheo's room is cluttered from the night before where he, Draco, Liv and I spent it laughing and drinking together. I do my best to tidy up a bit, throwing away glass bottles and food wrappers. Quickly throwing together a set of unorganized playing cards into its container.

I hobble over tiredly to the mid-century dresser and mirror as I take a look at myself. Yikes. The reflection staring back at me is clearly angry at the fact I was up till two a.m. last night. What can I say, Mattheo kept me busy.

I open up one of his drawers and pull out my worn hairbrush and start to make my way through this mess of tangles. Doing my best not to make the curls frizzier than normal. Once I feel it looks presentable enough, I take two front pieces and tie them in the back with a small, black rubber band. I plan to take a shower this morning, so I don't try too hard on my appearance.

Not caring who sees me in my definitely homeless-looking outfit, I exit Mattheo's bedroom and skip happily down the stairs. My body may not be happy, but my heart sure is.

When I spot who I'm looking for, I waltz over immediately.

"Good morning everyone!", I sing to the group of equally exhausted individuals.

"Shut up.", Liv screeches, clutching her seemingly pounding head.

"Go a little hard last night?", I tease.

She only groans loudly and burrows her face into a pillow on the couch. Draco runs his hand along her back.

As I'm stood behind one of the couches, an arm reaches down and yanks me around the side and straight into their lap.

"Can you be happy in a quieter fashion, please?", Mattheo mutters.

I nuzzle my face into his shoulder and nod my head. "Might can."

He grins widely and tugs me in closer. "I love seeing you in my clothes.", he whispers so that only I can hear.

I can't help but smile like an idiot. Everything he does recently makes me smile. It's been about three weeks since his confession and ever since we've spent every moment together. It's nothing like how it was. It's better. I thought we were close before, but this doesn't even compare.

I won't allow myself to fully be happy because the reality of our lives still looms over us. Bellatrix is not gone. Not even close. And we haven't done a thing about it. We still spend as much time as possible preparing and training while also allowing moments of reprieve. It's good to remind ourselves that not everything has to be so serious.

Suddenly a mischievous smile appears on Liv's face.

"Hey!", she says, perking up. "What is everyone doing today?"

"Training, right?", I direct towards Mattheo .

He mindlessly shrugs.

"We should go swimming!"

Suddenly she's gained everyone's attention.

"Swimming?", Draco deadpans. "Not a chance."

"Oh come on!", she pleads. "It'll be fun! Plus we haven't taken a break in so long. It'll be good for everybody."

All The Lies You Tell - MATTHEO RIDDLEWhere stories live. Discover now