Sayuka Hasuno speaking!!

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My life has been full of restrictions no friends nor boyfriends but now that I get to live my life away from that mind and soul prison she won't latch off...

Teacher: Hasuno HASUNO SAYUKA!!

Hasuno: uh! *stands and bows* I'm so sorry I was spacing out!

Teacher: go lay in the nurses office more time you're all loopy...

Hasuno: yes sir!

*walks to nurses room*

Mikey: hey ( ˘ ³˘)♥︎

Hasuno: m-mikey?! *pushes*
What are yo- *falls and gets all red in the face*

Mikey: woah *grabs* let me take you home...*kisses forhead*

                            An hour later...

*wakes up*

Hasuno: ahhhhh!!!
What am i doing in my room?

Mikey: *rolls over and hugs sayukas waist tightly*

Hasuno: *whispers* you have three seconds before I punch your head open (!)

*punches mikey until he wakes up*

Mikey: ow ow stoppppp♡︎
Im not letting go until you kiss me~ hehe

Hasuno: oh yeah?

Mikey : yeah!

Hasuno: *fake crys* why would you want to take my first kiss from me like that your horrible HORRIBLE I TELL YOU!!!

Mikey: *lets go* no no I wont I promise *cups face*

Sayuka: *looks at mikey* SIKE!!! Jokes on you i've already had my first kiss (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞

Mikey: WITH WHO!!

sayuka: NO ONE!! (つ .•́ _ʖ •̀.)つ
( said too much!!)

Mikey : tell meeeeeeee nowwww TELL MEEEEE

sayuka: FINE. B-b-b-b *turns red* BAJI! (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞

Mikey: oh...
That's right you're actually sick and have a fever so let me take care of you ;)

Sayuka: Mikey?
You don't need to do that I feel fine I just need a bath since I feel sweaty

Mikey: sure I'll go home! See yeah! Oh and I'm coming over tomorrow to have dinner with you so don't leave your house ❤️

*leaves home*

Did the baji thing bother him?
He asked
How did he know where I live?

                         The end of chapter 11

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