Chapter Three; Section Five

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“Shit, it worked,” the King said in disbelief, as the wall came tumbling down. Massive stone blocks fell from the broken battlements to come hurtling down to the bottom of the cliff. The very ground reverberated with their impact. “I was starting to have my doubts.” Elder gave a withering look to the back of the King’s head but kept his thoughts to himself. He might be a jerk, but he was no fool. 

Soldiers surged forward, up the might rampart built these last weeks of mud, stones and human lives. Their war cries told of their joy at finally being able to do something besides wait. For a moment there was no answer from the keep, as defenders desperately struggled to regain their footing. Then the first wave of arrows soared through the sky towards the attackers. It was going to be a bloody affair.

Elutheur snapped the tome closed with a satisfied thump. Elder gave him a dirty look as well. Originally the intention had been for Elder to cast the spell. He’d tried for two days, but though he had the power, he just didn’t have the control. Time and again the intricate weave had fallen apart – sometimes frustratingly close to completion.

Today Elutheur had given it a try. For a lark, he’d said, in an echo of their time at the False Courage. No doubt, Coil thought to himself as he watched a man plummet from the battlements towards the unyielding ground below, the defenders weren’t much amused. The man’s cry cut off as quickly as his fall. He was probably one of the lucky ones. Lots of fear but little pain.

“Alright, boys and girls, let’s get this show on the road!” cried Koral. Quickly they mounted the waiting wyverns. Coil climbed up behind Elaine – his heart thumping – and grabbed hold of the pommel.

“Put your arms around me, Coil!” Elaine shouted as her mount pawed at the air and unfurled its massive wings, “You should never trust your life to the stirrups alone!” She gave him a cheeky grin that had Coil blushing and murmuring something not even he didn’t understand. Quickly she adjusted his hands firmly around her waist and gave them a squeeze. Coil wanted to say something suave but the voice strangler was back and all he could manage was a squeak more suggestive of a mouse on its way to cheese heaven than a human being. Her hair still smelled like flowers, just like when he’d first met her. But how was that still possible? It was the middle of winter!

He shook his head. This wasn’t the time to think about such things!

Their mission was to try and take the Duke. A small strike team made up of Coil, Elaine and Marthew would get inside while the rest of the group acted as a distraction. The King was coming with them, despite being begged off. At least they’d managed to convince him he shouldn’t be a part of the strike team. Reluctantly he had admitted he might not be the fleetest of foot.

It had been a great deal tougher to convince him that he couldn’t fly his royal sigil, like some kind of massive bull’s-eye. “I’m no coward! I don’t hide!” He’d hollered. It had taken all of Elaine’s wiles to convince him that being up there was brave enough. After much grumbling, he’d finally agreed that the emblem on his chest plate would suffice. Coil might not have tried so hard. After all, the war would be over if one of the brothers was dead.

The wyverns screeched as they took to the air, which just about covered the sound of Coil’s yelp. The involuntary sounds were getting rarer. He wasn’t quite as much of a pussy anymore. Elaine had begged him not to try and suppress them, that they were endearing. Yeah right. There were many things he’d do for her, given the chance, but screaming like a little girl was not one of them. Endearing or no, he wasn’t going to hurt his manhood any more than he had to. She didn’t scream. Nor did she seem afraid. Instead, she laughed like a Valkyrie, as the Wyvern fought roared into the sky. She must have struck quite the image, with one hand on the reins, while the one holding the lightning lance was thrust into the sky above her. His appearance, curled up as he was in a ball of miserable fear behind her, was probably not quite as awe inspiring.

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