Chapter Three; Section Three

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I: Hello people of the good life! I’m Imp

A: And I’m Angel

I: And do we have news for you! So get your heads out of your ambrosia bowls,

A: Stop ogling those nymphs,

I: And listen. You’re not going to believe what happened! The Contender group the Red Dawn has narrowly escaped destruction at the hands of the Empress, when she was suddenly drawn away by what looks like a plundering of one of her treasure troves! She left the battle in the hands of one of generals and – as usual happens when you make that play – he mucked it up! The Red Dawn,

A: Who looked to be down for the count,

I: Managed to escape! That must be a big relief for those of you who’ve been putting your money on them! And you know what’s really interesting?

A: No I don’t, Imp

I: It’s not yet clear who plundered the treasury! As far as we’re aware each and every Contender was accounted for. But who else could it really be? Nobody knows! To add to the mystery, nobody seems to have known the treasure was there at all! The result? Nobody was watching when some unknown faction made off with enough goodies to fundamentally alter the landscape of this Game!

A: Is that right Imp?

I: That’s right Angel. So who’s responsible? Now that question has people a buzzing around the Fountains of Youth! Maybe somebody sneakily sent of a subordinate? Maybe it was an action started by a Contender group before they met their grizzly end? We just don’t know! Who did it? What are they going to do with all that gear now that they’ve got it, and how did they find out about the trove in the first place? Big questions, with so far no answers.

A: Maybe it was the group who attacked the Blizzards Imp. The group called the Shroud?

I: I don’t know about that Angel, they’re not a Contender group. At the same time they’ve proven to be surprisingly ingenious. Maybe the Keepers created them? Maybe they’re the big twist of this Iteration?

A: It would be a surprising one, Imp. It’s a bit late in the round and besides we weren’t told!

I: You’re right Angel, and what’s more, this one’s been very lopsided, saving one group and hurting another. That seems unfair.

A: There’s no denying that, Imp.

I: So what could it be? If any of you at home have any idea, let us know! We’d love to hear what you think.

A: Aint that the truth.

I: Let’s move on to the Blizzards! Things have been evolving there too peeps! Elutheur is reputedly still alive but no closer to escape than when he first disappeared down rabbit hole. As true hands-on people, the rest of the group has gone off to call in their chit with the Underking, better known as the Tinkerer. You might remember him from all that business around Elaine’s banishment that caused such uproar!

A: That was quite an episode, Imp.

I: Yes it was, Angel. Well, while the Blizzards have been running around in the tunnel system, the Shroud has struck again!

A: As you said, they’re ingenious, Imp.

I: A daemon ripped his way out of the sewers and proceeded to tear the capital apart. In response Arrend, Duke of Drieburg and acting King, overreacted and recalled all the Krull, from all over his new-fangled nation, back to the capital.

A: A bit of overkill, Imp.

I: Indeed, Angel. And it would seem that this was exactly what the Shroud was waiting for. Upon the Krull’s departure they launched simultaneous attacks on multiple fronts.

A: And that’s not all Imp.

I: Not it isn’t Angel.

A: In a surprise move it turns out that the King’s brother is leading the rebellion.

I: That’s right, Angel. Nobody saw that one coming! Esquire the former duke of Drieburg, has somehow escaped from prison and taken control of the rebellion’s armies. And that boy – can we even call him that? – sure can lead! You’d think he wouldn’t have the balls for it!

A: Very funny, Imp.

I: Thank you Angel. With his surgical strikes Esquire has taken back in a few days what his older brother needed months to conquer.

A: Quite a setback, Imp.

I: Oh yes, it is Angel. Will Aberfell recover? Will The Blizzards come back in time? Will the King rise from his sickbed? Or will the Shroud tear the nation apart? And how did the Shroud and Esquire become allies? When did that happen? And why didn’t we know anything about it?

A: Enigmas wrapped in mysteries, Imp

I: Oh yes, Angel. It’s all up in the air and it’s got all of us on the edge of our seat! Exciting!

A: Which brings us back to that central question – why the Blizzards?

I: Indeed, Angel. Why the Blizzards and none of the other Contender groups? Why is the Game attacking one group, but leaving the others be? It isn’t like any previous iteration, we can tell you that much. Some say the Keepers are punishing the Blizzards for the way Elaine manipulated public opinion after her banishment. Some say that they’re getting them back for making them look foolish. They’re saying its revenge, plain and simple.

A: That doesn’t sound like the Keepers,

I: No it doesn’t, Angel! But all the same, something is going on! And it has put people into a bit of a tizzy!

A: Yes it has, Imp.

I: For that reason the Keepers have agreed to come onto our show! Which has us bursting with excitement!

A: Very much so, Imp.

I: So make sure you join us next time. I’m Imp.

A: And I am Angel.

I: Gods bless.

A: And good night. 

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