Chapter Four; Section Three

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"Fuck you, I owe you," Coil muttered as he pushed his glasses back into place. It was about all he could do. He'd pushed himself about as far behind the fallen pillar as he could, nor was running an option. He was all on his own and had been for a while. The creature roared again. It sounded like a lion, or a dragon perhaps, or something dead that wanted to eat him alive. Coil closed his eyes and fought a whimper. Why had he agreed this time? He could have got out! As if dying once for those guys wasn't enough of a sacrifice! But no! He owed them!

"Fuck you, Elder. May you choke on your own shitty attitude!" He looked around again, hoping — against hope — that suddenly an exit might present itself, but the situation hadn't changed. Behind him, right across the centre of the tunnel ran a stream of magma too wide to jump. The bridge over it had long since crumbled. If he would have had a rope, maybe he could have swung across, but he didn't. He didn't even have food or water. All of that was with his pack, and the gods knew where that was.

The only way out was back the way he'd come, right into the maws of whatever crazy critter was hunting him this time. Why was he always being hunted? Why did things always want to eat him?

He still hadn't seen it — only heard that terrifying roar and glimpsed those eyes. Every time Coil had got close, or tried to get the jump on it, it had melted away. It was toying with him, Coil was sure. Maybe it was trying to frighten him to death. He'd heard that that was the way some creatures made you come back as one of their own. Now that would be ironic, brought back to life only to end up among the walking dead!

Again a cold of blast air, again snow flickered past him, pooling in corners, scattering across the hard ground. But it didn't last. It was too hot down here and it melted almost as quickly as it landed. Another roar, loud, not far off, but no closer than last time. What was taking it so long? Was it smart enough to realise that the heat and the lack of water would drive Coil back out of this cul-de-sac before long? It would certainly make matters worse, if the thing stalking him wasn't just ferocious, quick and neigh-on invisible, but smart to boot!

He hazarded a peak over the low wall — blue eyes, still out beyond the edge of the light, looked back. "Piss off!" He screamed and hurled a stone. It clattered off a wall. Had it dodged again? He wasn't such a bad shot! He should have hit it by now. Of course it didn't really matter. A stone wasn't going to do much. Judging by the height of the eyes, this thing was massive. He huddled back behind the pillar again and uttered a little prayer, "Please let them come find me, please let them hear me." He gripped the short spear he held tighter. If the thing leapt at him, he was going to try his damndest to skewer the beast, even if that was the last thing he did!

And it might well be.

It hadn't started like this. In the beginning they'd all been full of hope. The heroes had decided they needed to get away from politics, civil wars and the king too. They had taken their reward, gathered their equipment and taken off northward. Coil had come with them. That had been Elder's doing. The wizard had said that since they'd sacrificed part of their reward to bring Coil back, Coil should at least help them on the next adventure. Besides, it was going to be fun, like old times. This wasn't war, this was a treasure hunt! Going up to the old Krull cities, exploring them and then carrying off the riches they were bound to find.

The idea had come to them from the Krull tome. It hadn't just given them powerful magics with which to bring down Drieburg's walls, but it had hinted at a route past the great forest — an underground highway straight into the heart of the abandoned Krull Empire. Coil hadn't wanted to be persuaded, but he couldn't very well deny that they'd gone out of their way for him, that he might indeed owe them a little. And things had been going so well with Elaine! So he'd let them talk him round.

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