Chapter 20

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"Renee got hoes, look at you playing them like a game. " Johnson blurted as Gilinsky and I entered the living room. "Thanks for noticing " I winked with a laugh. Gilinsky took his arm from around me and pouted" Wow Renee, Thought we had something special " "I thought I was hubby material but I guess I'm just a hoe." Jake spoke from across the room followed by an exaggerated sigh. I looked at the boys and they looked at me. It was silent as we exchanged glances. We all busted out laughing. " Alright, I'm hungry let's get something. " Johnson was the first to stop laughing and speak. "Chinese?" Gilinsky asked, looking at me. "Sure" I shrugged. " I could go for some sesame chicken and fried rice" Jake inputed. "I'm down " Johnson said rising from his chair. We all walked outside to Johnson's car that sat in the crisp night air. I could hear Johnson's keys jingle behind me as thr car woke up with a beep. The boys always let me sit shot gun no matter who was driving but I wasn't too familiar with how the boys sat with Jake. "Do you want to sit in the front Jake?" I asked as he approached the car. "Nah, You go ahead princess. " He said winking at me as he passed. I climbed and Gilinsky was already in the back and Jake slid in. "Which place G?" Johnson said as he slid in the driver's seat and pressed the start button. "There's Shae and Cara's down the way next to Target" "Alright, Who wants the aux? Renee? " I hesitated because Jake was in the car. But I remebered the first time I Dj'ed with the Jacks, nothing happened so I took it and plugged my phone in. First song on my list was Driving Ms. Daisy by Childish Gambino and Logic. I'm not huge with rap. There's some songs that are good but I won't consider it my favorite genre. However Childish Gambino is a rapper I'd quickly claim. "Who's this" Johnson asked as he placed a hand on the back of my seat to look back. He Slowly started to pull out. "Childish Gambino and Logic." "I like it. Name?" "Driving Ms. Daisy." "Can you download it for me?" I reached for his phone and unlocked it. Johnson and I exchanged passwords awhile ago. We were the closest when it came to privacy and things like that. "There, and you got a text from your dad. He found a 50 by your door and put it in your room" Johnson laughed. "He's a real one" I put his phone in one of the cup trays. "Put on Latch" Gilinsky said from the back. I scrolled through my playlist and played the Disclosure song. "Yassss" The three boys shouted faking a girl's voice. I couldn't help but laugh. "You lift my heart up when the rest of me is down." I could hear Jake's deep voice vibrate from behind me."NOW I GOT YOU IN MY SPACE, I WON'T LET GO OF YOUU" It was hilarious hearing the guys with deep voices try to hit a high note. However Gilinsky sounded good. "Gilinsky? " I turned around "What's up?" "Is that your singing?" "Yeah, Sorry about that" "No, it sounds good. I like it." I gave him a Smile and turned around. "G's got vocals huh?" I turned my head towards Johnson and nodded. "Major" "Tried to tell him but he won't take me serious." I overlooked Johnson's face from the side. I reached over and rubbed his shoulder. We pulled into the complex and drove past the Target. We finally found a spot and pulled in. We all piled out, I was the first out and started towards the restaurant. "Hey sexy, How are you?" I turned around and located the voice. It was some guy, Tall, actually cute, Brown hair and blue eyes. " He came near me and started to pull out a cigarette. "I said how are you." He got even closer this time there was a angry glow in his eyes. "Speak when spoken to, slut" He grabbed my wrist and pulled me close. I closed my eyes from reflex. It all happened so fast. "What the Fuck " I could hear Jake shout as the stranger's grip was torn from me. I opened my eyes to see Jake on top of the guy, throwing his fists at him. "You don't treat a lady like that. You don't treat MY lady like that." I stood there silent it all was in slow motion, almost like a movie. "Jake enough " Gilinsky yelled as he pulled Jake off of him. "Fucking Douche " Johnson jumped on him instantly. "Johnson, Johnson Stop Please " I tried to pull him off. "JJ, Please " He had so much anger it was hard to get him off. "Come on J, for me." I could feel his arm relax. "You're lucky, you Little shit" He got up and kicked the guy in his side. "Respect " He said spitting and turning towards me. The guy laughed from the ground. "I don't want you or your train wreck self. Slut " " Dickhead" I gave him a kick to the rib and strolled into the restaurant.

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