Chapter 27

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I laid on the bed in a towel as Shawn's voice filled my room. I've held back the tears enough for me to get back to my bed. But as soon as I relaxed they found their way to my eyes and  flowed out slowly. It's been a while since I last cried. I hated crying, the way my eyes puffed or the way my skin dried and my lips chapped.  I always had a headache after and it made me tired. Most importantly, I felt weak. Like I've been defeated and destroyed.  I hated that, I've been through too much to be weak.  Yet today brought back a sadness I thought I forgot. I felt alone, yes this wasn't a new feeling. I felt alone all the time until I met the Jacks. Now that they were gone I felt a new  level of helplesness. I was interupted by an avalance of knocks . It was now 3:12 in the morning. I was home alone and in a towel, I just spent the last hour or so crying. I was a mess. I used the light from the T.V to lead me to the closet. I slipped on the nearest underwear, an old college shirt from University of San Diego, and a pair of spandex that rested on the floor. The knocking contnued. Desceding from the stairs, I tip toed around the front door and peeped through the peephole. I met a familar pair of green eyes that held a worried shine in them. I opened the door immediatey and was thrown into a bear hug. "I was worried, I thought I lost you." Jake's voice was shaky and filled wth panic. He held me tighter and brought me further into the house.

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