Secret Talents

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The warm food was being consumed and we were lost in the crowded restaurant. If you weren't on the inside picture you would've thought we were dating. But of course that wasn't the case. We weren't madly in love, We weren't in each other's bios with heart emojis, We weren't even in each other's phone none-the-less each other's friend list. We were simply brought together by the rain. There was a limited amount of actual conversation, More like we had our earbuds in chargers plugged into the wall and phones in hand. Jake looked at me as I glanced up. "Are you still hungry? " He asked. I actually was. "Yeah, I'm going to get something in a bit. " "What do you want, I can get it for you. " I could hear the genuine care in his voice. I squinted at the menu in the front of the restaurant. "Another Chilli and fries, here " I started to take out my wallet. "Don't worry, I got it " he smiled at me with kind eyes. I felt my heart warm with adoration. I watched as Jake approached the counter and waited in line. Once he got our food he came back. "Your order my lady." He bowed as he put the tray on the table. I giggled at his goofiness. He had exactly what I wanted in a guy. But of course his player reputation kept me from actually liking him. He sat down and took his earbuds out and ate his food. I did the same. "Do you actually do anything besides stay to yourself?" Truth was I didn't stay to myself. Instead I didn't make many new friends outside of my group of friends. But that was a good thing and exactly what I had planned for my High-school experience. So it made me seem like a loner "I sing and write songs. " Jake's face went soft and he was interested. "What about you? Any talents? " I asked just as interested as he was. "I can do accents and stuff like that. Nothing, huge." He sounded suddenly shy. I didn't know that was a real thing, a real talent. "Do something, show me? " I asked suddenly eager. He grunted. "This is one of my favorites" He explained with a small adorable laugh. "Autobots Roll out" He sounded exactly like Optimus prime. I was officially shocked. Yeah, he was a football player and played soccer. He was a talented athlete. But this, this was shocking. He didn't seem like the type to do something so, abnormal. But I liked it, It made him stand out. I knew his voice wasn't like anyone's else but this was something more different than I had thought. "What do you think of it?" the concern and worry from his voice brought me back into reality. "It's amazing. I never thought-you-It's just- It's just so unique. " I had a hard time spitting my words out. But once they were out I calmed myself. He stared at me with awe. "What? " I turned around and looked behind me just because we had a moment didn't mean I forgot about his reputation. I looked back at him. "Nothing, Nobody's ever, you know, not to many people actually care about this." He sounded doubtful. "Why not? It's something absolutely original. Not to many people do something like this-" His face was full of hope, he had an angelic glow as he watched my words. I quieted my voice to silence. "It's very extraordinary " I practically whispered. He stared into my eyes as I stared into his. It continued for a couple of seconds until he broke it with a soft smile. "You're actually really cool you know that?" and just like that the moment was crushed. That was Jake for you. "Gee Thanks" I smiled with a mental roll of my eyes. He smiled and his braces glistened. I couldn't help feeling nothing but love for this guy and he wasn't even mine. It dawned on me that by tomorrow this'll be a memory for both of us. It probably wouldn't even be a thought for him. It'd run through my head all day. I'd see him and smile only to receive a lifeless smile or wave. Our eye contact in class would mean absolutely nothing to him it never did and probably never will. Maybe It's just negative thinking or sad but true facts. "Renee" His Voice killed the thoughts in my head. "What? " I shook off all the thoughts. "Are you going to homecoming? " "Probably not, You?" "Probably Yes" He copied my tone of voice. He gave me one of his chubby cheek smiles before I could call him out on coping me, he continued "Why not?" "It's not my thing, I prefer to stay at home" He busted out laughing. His laugh was contagious even though it was targeted at me. "What's so funny?" I asked with a smile. "It's actually not funny, It's just so weird hearing it from a girl that looks like you." "What's wrong with my appearance?" I said trying to laugh But I hurt a little. "Nothing, You just have this sassy, actually really sexy glow. You look like the type everyone wants to dance with. It's actually kind of overwhelming for an innocent boy like myself " He patted his chest and lifted his hands. Sexy huh? "You? Innocent? As if, Mr. I know every single female in the school." I joked sarcastically. "I don't, They know me. I only talk to about 5. Well make it 6 counting you." He confessed scratching his neck and stretching. "Believe it or not I'm not a player. I crave a relationship. But I haven't found anyone. " He said yawning. I know tons of girls who would give him their soul if it was possible. "Have you actually looked. There's girls everywhere. They'd give you their everything for just one date. " I picked up my napkin and put it on the tray. "Would you?" His face was soft and innocent. "Honestly, No. I wouldn't give my everything for a date" I sat up and watched his face lose emotion. He opened his mouth to respond But his phone rung. He answered it, As he listened he got up and got his charger. He hung up and grabbed his bag. "I guess I'll uh- see you tomorrow " He swallowed hard and walked away without waiting for my response. I felt as if my heart was crushed.

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