Finale: Darkness, Dissipate

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The ruins of the Temple of Darkness laid in the field. There were pieces of the ornate temple stone everywhere, broken crystals, and the objects that once imprisoned the Sparks. The sun shone high over its still ruins.

Then, Azure, Olivia, Anders, Luka, And the Queens ran into the scene, panting. They looked at the ruins, panicking.
"EMERALD!" Azure screamed.
Everyone ran through the debris field. They dug through the wreckage, looking for Emerald and Ruby.
"Emerald! Ruby! Where are you?!" Azure hyperventilated.
"Oi! Over here! It's the kitsune!" Anders yelled.
Emerald's body was under some debris piles, marked by a single flower growing on top of it.
The gang moved the debris out of the way, and found Emerald, his body battered up, but not nearly as bad as the Blood Tundra incident, somehow.
Azure picked up Emerald's body.
"E. E. E! Wake up, it's Az!" Azure tried shaking his body. "E! Emerald..."
"Oi! Wake up!"
Emerald coughed In Azure's paws, and woke up. "A-Az? Is that you?"
Azure laughed heartily. "You're alive! Again! Again!"
"Emerald! You're okay!" Delilah joyfully said.
"Welcome back, soldier." Anders then saluted with his Wing.
Emerald smiled, albeit woozily. His smile then disappeared immediately as he looked around. "Wait. Where's Ruby?!" He then wormed out of Azure's grasp. And onto his legs, with only average pain from the temple's destruction.
He looked over the debris-covered horizon. "RUBY!!" He screamed. His call echoed around and was met with no response.
Emerald then ran around, looking for her. "Ruby! Where are you?!"
Everyone began pushing debris out of the way, looking for her.
Luka got on top of a hill and looked around, before she gasped. "Over here! I've found her."
Everyone got to Luka, and found Ruby unconscious, under a blanket of rubble. Luka tried to push it out of the way, but it was too heavy.
Emerald stepped up and tried to use his vine magic to move the debris.
However, no vines appeared. Emerald was confused. He focused hard, but his vine wouldn't work. He tried again, and only a small flower bud appeared in the grass at his paws.
Emerald shrugged it off and helped push the rubble out of the way. Everyone else helped and moved it. Luka grabbed Ruby's body and set her down on some grass.
Emerald ran up to her. "Ruby! Ruby!! Wake up!"
Ruby wouldn't wake. It didn't even look like she was breathing.
"Don't you die on me, Ruby." Luka said, her voice starting to crack.
"Ruby! Please, wake up!" Emerald's voice started to crack, as he shook her body with his paws.
Delilah put her hand on Ruby's body. "I... don't feel her Spark."
"N-n-no..." Tears began rolling down Emerald's face. "Ruby... I..."
He sat down next to her body. He put one paw over her body.
"Ruby... you saved everyone... You stopped Daran and destroyed the Heart..." Emerald sniffed. "You're a hero, Ruby."
He put his head closer to hers. "Ruby... there are many stars in the universe... but the two brightest stars are you... and my love for you. I hope you never forget that. I'll see you in the stars, one day."
Everyone mourned with him.
Emerald lowered his head into Ruby's body and started sobbing out of loss. The two necklaces they had were close to each other.
Emerald looked up and saw something, however. A small green Spark. It floated around Ruby's body, and touched it, causing it glow even further.
"E-Eli?" Emerald said to himself, tears running down.
After it stopped glowing, the Spark then flew up high into the sky.
Emerald looked back down.
"...E-Emerald?" Ruby said quietly.
"I'm not the hero who's died once, I see." Ruby smiled.
Emerald squeezed Ruby's body with his paws, essentially hugging her. "RUBY!!"
Tears of joy ran running down his face.
Everyone else was happy for them.
Ruby then got up her legs. "We did it, Emerald. We won."
"You two, have preformed admirably." Aradia thanked.
"Thanks to you two, The Feralians have returned home, and peace shall reign once more. You two are now heroes of Feral."
Azure clapped. "Good job, E! You're now a bona fide hero!"
"Thanks Az."
"Ruby, good job. On both the hero thing, and that promise you gave me." Luka said to Ruby.
"Everyone is back! My momma and daddy must be back! Come on, let's go see!" Olivia excitedly said.
"Yes." Delilah said. "Let us return to City Fera."


In City Fera, the place was lively once more. People were talking to each other.
Two yellow kitsunes, both with nine tails, were talking to each other.
Azure walked up to the two kitsunes. "Um, excuse me? Mister and Missus? I believe this belongs to you."
Olivia in her front-legs wheelchair walked up. "MOMMA! DADDY!" She then ran up happily to the two.
The two hugged her with their front paws. "Oh my dearie! You're all right!" The mother said, tears of joy falling out.
"Mr. Azure watched me while the end of the world happened! He is the best babysitter!"
The father walked up to him. "Thank you, sir. For everything. How can we repay you?"
"Well, uh..." Azure stopped to think.

Luka returned to the Blood Tundra via the travel gate. She looked at the viewing tower in the city and smiled before leaving.
"Good job, Ruby. Good job."

Anders flew high above the city, and flew off into the distance, to parts unknown: his house.

The Queens returned to the palace and resumed their peaceful lives. They also initiated a new program. After the Temple was destroyed, all the Sparks flew in several directions, including the Dark Sparks. The Queens rounded up the dark Sparks and allowed them to join Feralian society. Many have already made friends, and been Sparked.

The top of the view-tower in City Fera. Emerald and Ruby looked at the scenery, watching the lively city and the beautiful horizon.
"I'd never thought this would happen." Emerald said.
"Yeah. It is nice the Dark Sparks are getting a chance of redemption. They were never truly evil. They were just... following orders from a tyrant."
"Yeah. I'm glad this is all over."
Ruby looked at her paw. "Emerald?"
"Your magic. Is it?"
Emerald tried his best to manipulate the potted plant at the viewing point, but could only make a small bud. "It's there, but it's severely weakened. What we did with that Dark Heart thing... must have weakened my powers."
Ruby held up her paw, and only made a small spark of flame for a split second. "Mine too."
The two looked out into the distance and snuggled their heads together.
"You still needed to thank Eli, you know." Ruby said.
"You know, my perception on him has changed."
"Oh? How so?"
"He was... kind of an ass, but now I owe him everything. Twice. And so do you."
"What do you mean?"
"After the Temple was destroyed, I found you... dead. But Eli's Spark came around and brought you back to life."
Ruby smiled. "Well, at least he knows."
Emerald looked at her. "Knows what?"
"How much we care for each other. That much is certain."
Emerald smiled. The two looked at each other.
"Here's to a much better life. One without the apocalypse." Emerald said.
"I love you, Emerald."
"I love you too, Ruby."
The two kissed each other lovingly.

Two Sparks, true lovers at that, pushed through the darkest moment in history. They overcame the shadows that sought to consume them. And through their love for each other, they repelled the darkness into oblivion. And now, only an era of peace would follow them.
Or will it?
Eh, who knows. All that matters is...
Everyone is happy. And the story is told.

The End
Stay tuned for the trivia/credits chapter!

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