The Darkroom (AU)

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I wander through the woods, my camera strap slung around my neck. I watch a fox wander past, and I lift my camera, focusing the lens and carefully snap a picture. I smile as the fox wanders away. A boy walks past as well, a very handsome one at that. I lift a camera and carefully snap a few shots before he notices me. I feel the colour draining from my face. I step back a few feet. Socializing makes me nervous, and in some cases can cause some unpleasant effects. I turn and race deeper into the trees, searching for the moat. I sit on a rock near the gentle stream, hugging my knees and trying to slow my breathing. My hands twitch. I hope that the other symptoms don't show themselves. Luckily, my breathing and heart rate slow and my hands stop twitching. Good. I snap a picture of a duck taking flight and a cardinal in the tree tops. I sense a presence behind me and my hands start twitching again. I slowly turn around, hoping that I won't lose control. The boy is there.
"Um, hi. I'm Newt," he says. He has a cute accent and a gorgeous face, which just makes me even more nervous. The darkness starts creeping in around the edges of my vision. Oh no.

Newt's POV:
The girl stares at me as I introduce myself. I see her skin turn impossibly pale and her hands twitch. The spasms make their way up her arms and she starts swaying. Her eyes flutter, then close completely. Her head falls, and the rest of her follows. She hits the ground with a thud and starts twitching. It looks like she's having a seizure. The seriousness of the situation hits me and I whip out my phone and call 911.
"911, what's your emergency?" The operator answers.
"Hi, I'm in the south side woods in Chesterfield, and there's a girl having a seizure," I shout, out of breath.
"And ambulance is on its way. Do you think you can carry her to the nearest street? Which street would it be?" The lady asks.
"Yes, Parker Street," I respond.
"Okay, take the girl there and wait for the ambulance," she announces. I follow her instructions and take the girl to the street. An ambulance arrives, and some men hop out, putting her in a gurney and pulling her into the back. I jump up with them and we ride to the hospital. Please let her be ok.

Adrienne's POV:
I can hear and feel everything: my limbs flailing, the paramedics talking, the boy crying. It's the worst of all of it. I try my hardest to break free from my own mind, to regain control of myself. I start wiggling my finger then stopping it completely. I follow the same process with my fingers and toes, wiggling then stopping them. The rest of me
keeps flailing, put those little appendages are still as stone. I try to stop my hands and feet, which I succeed at. The boy keeps crying, motivating me to stop myself. I slow my limbs, letting them then fall, one by one. I jerk upright, panting from the effort. The boy abruptly stops crying and I lie back down. I can't acknowledge him, or it could happen again.
"Miss, are you okay now?" I nod slowly.
"Do you know what happened?" I nod again.
"Can you tell us?" I shake my head. Best not to try talking just yet. We arrive at the hospital and I'm rushed into a room. A doctor walks in to ask me some questions. I've always been okay with doctors, because it's not really socializing.
"Rest of them. Out. Please," I stutter. The less people, the better.
"Of course. Out!" The doctor commands.
"So, can you tell me your name?" He asks softly.
"A-Adrienne StJacobs," I respond.
"Do you have a record here?"
"Yes." He turns and walks out for a second.
"Nurse, can you go pull out the StJacobs file?"
"Yes sir," I hear the nurse respond. The doctor comes back in.
"Do you know what happened?" I sigh.
"I have severe social anxiety, which can cause me to lose all control. I had to get pulled out of school so that I wouldn't get panic attacks," I explain quietly.
"So, then what triggered it?"
"Him," I sigh.
"Who's him?" I point out into the hall.
"C-could I-I see him?" I ask quietly. I'm ready now.
"Are you sure?" The doctor questions.
"Yes. I-I kinda want to be a-alone with him, if that's okay," I whisper. The doctor nods, then walks out into the hall. A few seconds pass, and the boy creeps in.
"Are you okay?" He asks softly. My hands begin to tremble. No. Not today. Not again. I force them to stop.
"Ya, I'm fine now," I respond quietly.
"They told me what happened. I'm sorry," he sighs, hanging his head.
"Not your fault. I took a picture of you, of course you'd try to talk to me."
"Speaking of..." His voice trails off. He holds up my camera. I snatch it away, examining it.
"Can I see the photos you took?" He questions. I flip the camera around, showing him the lack of a display.
"Not yet, but you can come with me to my darkroom to develop them..." I invite him shyly. He nods.
"Sure." He responds. I can't believe I did that without having another attack. The doctor walks back in and checks my vitals.
"Good girl, Adrienne. You seem to be back to normal. I think you can go. Do you think you'll be okay?" he asks
"Yeah, I'll be fine," I respond.
"Good. Mr... Newton, is it? Could you keep an eye on her?" The boy, Newton, nods. I get up and they disconnect my IV. Newton and I walk out of the hospital.
"So, your name is Newton?" I ask.
"Call me Newt," he responds.
"I'm Adrienne," I whisper.
"So, where's the darkroom? I want to see those photos!" At those words, I perk up. Photography is my passion, something I hold close to my heart. I grab his wrist and tow him along.
"Woah! Where are we going?" He shouts.
"The darkroom!" I squeal. We run and run until we get to the forest. I drag him across the street into my building, shoving him into our elevator. I select the basement and we ride down together. I'm practically bursting at the seems.
"You seem excited," he laughs. I bounce up and down on the balls of my feet. I bite my lip as the doors open. He's the first person I've ever brought down here. I grab his wrist and drag him down the hall, through a door, down a flight of stairs, through another hallway and into my darkroom. I shut and lock the door and take the film out of my camera, beginning to prepare the baths. I begin the slow process of developing photography, placing the film in the baths.

I pull my photos out of the last bath, hanging them up to dry.
"They'll be done tomorrow," I explain.
"That's when I'll be back," he responds. I nod quietly. This is all still overwhelming.
"Let's go," I sigh, guiding him out of my paradise. I take him up the elevator. Tomorrow is Saturday. I guess he'll be back soon.

"Adrienne, there's a boy here for you!" My mom taps on my door, whispering. I glance at my clock. It's six in the morning. Why is he here so garishly early? I jump up and get dressed quickly, in a plaid button down, a black tank top and some ripped jeans. I give my hair a quick brush and toss on my hat. I go to walk out the door, but slam into the wall instead. I quickly toss my glasses onto my face, checking myself in the mirror. My button down is inside out, but I guess other then that I'm okay. I flip my shirt around and walk out of my bedroom. I walk to the front door and see Newt standing there.
"So, Picture-Perfect, let's see the photos," he chuckles.
"Alright, Newtie-Cutie," I giggle in response. I take him by the wrist and drag him to the elevators, through doors and down halls and, finally, into my safe-haven. I take down the photos from the line I hung them on yesterday, the proceed to drag the blonde-haired boy out of the room and out to the woods. I sit down by the stream that I love so much and quickly snap a photo of an owl in the early day light. I plunk down next to the stream, taking off my sneakers and socks, dipping my toes in the chilly water. Newt follows suit, his head resting on my shoulder. I jolt from the surprise, but his head stays put. He peeks over my shoulder at the photos. A few of wildlife, some still lives, and finally the photos I took of him. His scarf is draped loosely around his neck and he's looking off into the distance. His hands rest carefully in the pockets of his light sweatshirt and his jeans hold tight to his slim legs. He reaches around to steal the photos and peeks at them.
"These are masterpieces, he sighs.
"Not really," I grumble, doubting my skill.
"They are. They are shucking perfect," he whispers softly. I feel his lips pressing against my cheek. My hands begin to tremble, and a strange feeling creeps in around me. I'm not going to lose control, this is different. This is good. I take his hand gently, allowing him to almost completely engulf my tiny fingers in his large ones. He hugs me from behind.
"Newt, we won't be able to go anywhere," I sigh.
"I perfectly content just helping you in the darkroom," he whispers into my hair. I smile. He's my only friend, and I think I love him, and I think he feels the same way. After all, he his kinda snuggling me. He pulls me up into his lap and cradles me, him sitting cross-legged and I am all stretched out, my toes still skimming the creek. He gently kisses my cheek, resting his forehead on my neck.
"Newt?" I whisper.
"Mm?" He hums into my neck.
"Would you... like to um..." I can't. I'd get too scared. His arms hug me tighter, reassuring me.
"What is it, Adrienne?" He murmurs.
"I-I think I m-might l-l-l," I stop, taking a few breaths, inhaling Newt. He smells like Tide ocean breeze and sharp peppermint gum. He squeezes me again, making my heart flutter and reassuring me.
"I think you're my angel," I whisper.
"You figured me out in less then a few days. Colour me impressed," he chuckles. I wrench myself out of his grip and turn around to face him.
"What?! You're an angel?" I exclaim.
"No, of course not," he snorts.
"But-" I start.
"But, I am your angel," he chuckles.
"Wha-?" He cuts me off by gently kissing me for just a few seconds.
"You are not an angel," I whisper softly.
"Then what am I?" He questions, smirking.

"You are my light in the darkroom."

Newt/Thomas Sangster OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora