the date

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what is my life

I'm a lowlife simp for a guy with red hair, manliness, shark teeth and a wonderful smile that is the light of my day

okay but before the date kirishima would so realize he needs to make it perfect and find an ice cream stand in a park so y'all can vibe in the shade?

Oh yeah, its summer

oh yeah, its hotter than 40 C

that's like a million F idfk, 115 F??? idk americano

Je suis canadienne oui oui

Oh yeah in this book y'all 3rd years graduating soon ahaaaa

anyway, one shot is here simps and pimps ⬇⬇

You'd gotten ready, waiting for your beloved boulder to meet you outside.

You were in a white tank top and black shorts.

Kirishima came (no.) outside and noticed your outfit, smiling widely.

"What? Oh my god is there already a stain on my tanktop...-"

"No, no! We have opposite colour schemes going on!"

You'd look at him to notice he had a black tank top and white shorts; opposite to yours.

You blushed. "Damn, same final braincell I guess."

"Psh, yeah. Come on, we're going to an ice cream booth-stand thingy at the park!"

He took your hand, unintentionally, walking with you there.

You'd talked, and chatted along the way.

"Favourite colour?" You asked.

"Guess! Red. But also, black is pretty cool and mysterious. Not to be emo. You?"

"F/C (favourite colour)."

"I had a feeling, you wear it more often."

"Favourite Disney movie?"

"Oh, gotta be the classic Sleeping Beauty or Mulan! You?"

"F/D/M. (Guess, favourite Disney movie)"

"You honestly seemed like a F/D/M person!"

"Of course, of course.

This banter and talk went on, until you got to the stand. He ordered a rocky road cone (and not a popsicle aha), and then you got (fave ice cream comment it if you want - I like sorbet tbh, mango ❤❤)

Then you both argued over who was paying 😃✌

Kirishima won the argument because he wanted to me manly. So you gave in because he is manliest man, cmon.

You both sat under a tree in the shade, vibing and getting to know each other more. You figured out he likes Metallica a bit, some soft rock, and REALLY likes Slow Dancing In The Dark for some reason.

"Why that song? Isn't it like... Sad?" You asked.

"Yeah, but the backtrack...! Its so epic!"

Well now you know.

He walked you back to the dorm rooms, and back to your room (which was conveniently right across from yours). He smiled widely with those ✨shark teeth✨ of his.

"I hope you had a great time, Y/N!"

"Of course I did, I was with you!" You smiled softly.

He bit his lip gently, turning red. "Well, I did too. And... And its cliché but I'd love to kiss you right now... If you're okay with it! Only if you-"

You rolled your eyes and pulled him down (or leaned down depending how tall u are, I gotchu shawties), your lips intertwining. He paused before kissing back, softening and becoming less tense. He then pulled away, not getting too into it because we don't escalate these kisses just yet, simps.

You were red/flushed/glowing, and he was red as well.

"Well uh... I'm right across, you know, the hall... And a text away, if you need me..." He fumbled, before squeaking out a small, "Bye!!" And turning to his room, entering it.

You brushed a couple fingers over your lips, remembering the kiss that just happened with a smile. You turned around, and entered your dorm, happily.

sorry this took so damn long I was busy reading fanfics and wallowing in the fact that the only way I'll ever see kiri is shifting

I struggle to do because

✨boogie woogie movement is my speciality✨

650 words for u simps

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