bubble baths

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I start like every chapter with "okay"


y'all love me

but there would be bubble baths BEFORE seggs with this man

hes manly. okay? Hygiene >>> seggs

But hes a SUCKER for bubble baths (I just typed bible baths bye)

He seems like once a month he takes them, just to be a soft baby that he is, and why not? Nom nom bubbles slorp

imagine him eating bubbles

Okay obvi this will be when y'all like, get out of school because I'm pretty sure the dorms have specific female/male bathrooms smh
You guys share a small apartment!!

This timeline will be so fucked up but deal with it LJDOS

Anyway take your stupid one shot or... Whatever 🙄

ilya just know that mhm

OH ALSO like every time I write these its either midnight, 2 am or 3 am! So that's why its so fucking unoriented or whatever the hell

But anyway here's your sToOpId OnE shOt


You were dirty. Like, not like... In a sexual way, just covered in dirt. You and the girls (™) decided to try and play baseball. Well... You did play, and BOY, did you play. Winner got 100 dollars.

You didn't win.

And my Lord, how you just wanted to sink into a bath, relax, chill... Just, vanish.

You headed home to your small one bedroom, one bathroom apartment you shared with Kiri. It was nice, and even after a few months of dating, he hadn't tried to do anything nasty. Like the manly man he is 💪.


Anyway, as you entered your home, your beige sweater covered in dirt, and your pants also covered in dirt, you notice its quiet. He's probably shopping or something... You thought.

You entered your shared bedroom, grabbing all the stuff for a bath, aka, a change of clothes, a towel, and a shower cap/elastic for your hair to not get dirty.

Opening your washroom door, you see your beloved man laying in a tub full of bubbles with his eyes shut, hair down, and arms rested on the side.

"O...oh, sorry Eiji, I didn't know you were here..."

He opened and eye, and smiled at you. "It's alright, honey. If you wanted, you could join me?"

You blushed, thinking about how that could go wrong. "Uh... I... I don't know..."

You both had yet to see each other naked, and you didn't know if he'd take it all the wrong way.

"I won't touch you nastily or anything, that's not manly..."

You nodded, still thinking on the matter. You inhaled slowly, before facing him, nodding, and undressing slowly.

He looked away, being respectful about it (and you love that).

--- the following is an alt ending, if you have scars/stretch marks/body insecurities.

You were scared Kirishima would love you less because of your body. You had (insert insecurity), and it always made you doubt a lot. You often wanted it all to just go away. It made you feel like a lesser human.

You hesitantly walked over to the bath, and Kirishima scooted over for you, smiling kindly. God, you could melt into his arms like putty whenever he smiled like that at you. The bubbles separated as you stepped in gently.

"I saw you were looking at yourself in the mirror a lot, pebble. Something on your mind?"

You bit your lip, before pointing at (said part on body that makes you insecure). Eijirou sighed, and looked you in the eyes with his soft ones.

"I know what its like to be bodily insecure. And I'm not leaving, because that would just be stupid. Not all humans are perfect, and beauty's in the eye of the beholder, and I find you truly beautiful. The best beauticool..."

He then kissed your cheek, and you blushed. "T... Thank you, very much, Eiji..."

"Always, pebble." He pulled you close to him.

--- this bit is over, onto the normal ending one!

You hesitantly walked over to the bath, and Kirishima scooted over for you, smiling kindly. God, you could melt into his arms like putty whenever he smiled like that at you. The bubbles separated as you stepped in gently.

"There! All comfy?" He smiled widely at you.

You smiled back and nodded, embracing him as he embraced you back.

"No funny business, Mister!"

"Yes, yes, of course, Y/N! Why would I do such thing? You're too beautiful for me to to go back on my word of nothing nasty!"

You giggled. "Mhm, I best be. You're beautiful too, Ki."

"Thank you, my pebble..." He smiled, resting his head on your  shoulder as you both cuddled happily, surrounded by bubbles.



y'all deserve all the love
y'all important as fuck

so shut

and, even if all you did was open your eyes to wake today, SHAWTY YOU ALR MAKING ME PROUD!!!! you got this far, and I'm so so so SO proud okay??? Good! Mural agreement. Idgaf if you aren't proud, I am and I'm not saying I'm the only one that matters but... I'm the only one that matter 😎✌

JK, but still

y'all epic okay? Okay.

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