What do we do?

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"I couldn't fathom the bizarre monstrosities that are being created at the School at this very moment." Lena said and I looked at her then said, "Thinking about it isn't that good of an idea either." We talked about the issue as we got ready for the next upcoming day at Playlist Live. The whole debacle meant that someone could have figured out it was me who attacked them and that hung an awful weight over my mind. Could someone attack us at any given moment? How about you shut up and get ready Elizabeth thought back at me snarkily. Sorry didn't know I was talking out loud of my mind. "It's fine lets just get ready to go and talk to people." Lena interjected.

When we were all ready we departed on the elevator. All of us stood in awkward silence as the elevator went down floor by floor. The red digital numbers ticked by one by one, when suddenly the elevator stopped and a man boarded the elevator. A black hood concealed the back of his head from view. Lena nudged Belles shoulder and pointed to a reflective metal piece of the elevator that showed the white porcelain mask of Cryaotic. Suddenly he turned around and made Elizabeth jump. "Oh hi." He said as the elevators chimed for the ground floor and he swiftly got off ahead of us. "Um the hell just happened?" I asked Lena and Elizabeth seriously wondering why the hell Cry had only turned around when Lena pointed to the mirroring when he shouldn't of seen it at all. "Bochan lets just ignore it and go to Playlist." Lena assured me. Shaking my shoulders out we walked along, managing to bypass the lines because of the beautiful and amazing Lily, and entered the buzzing place. A distinct smell of hormones and probably slight lust filled the air as we departed for our first panel. "Oh hey Lena what panel are we seeing today?" I asked Lena. She pulled our schedule from her black bag and peered upon the paper, when her mouth dropped. "Fuck us dude guess who our first panel is." Lena said tone exasperated. I didn't even need to look to know where we were headed.

"Fuck what do we do?" Elizabeth said. "Let's just go to the panel, we really don't have any clue if they know I attacked them or not." I reasoned. They both nodded and we walked toward the hall where the panel would be held.

Taking our seats at the far back away from any prying eyes, Lena nudged and pointed me toward quite strange sight.......

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