Playlist Live??

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Morning light streamed throughout the entirety of my Chicago two bedroom apartment. My eyes crept open and I sat up, cracked my elbows, and got ready for the day. I worked as a fiction writer so it was easy to do. Lena worked as a writer too so it was really easy. Walking into the bathroom I looked at my 24 year old self with a tad bit of displeasure. My brown curly hair was far more messy and poofy than usual, my eyes seemed to be dull, and I seemed to have fried myself in my sleep.....again. After a quick shower I wrapped a fluffy towel around myself, walked into my room, bumped into my bed, changed into a black tank top, black sweatpants, and my favorite flowy sweater. Going back to the bathroom after a supercharged tooth brushing it was time to wake Lena up.

You see Lena likes to sleep in and doesn't like to get up so that means I have to get her up and at'em. Walking into her room that was hotter than fucking oven. I crept close to her bed and saw she was snoring. Walking close to her bed I held my head just above her blonde/brown haired head and a static charge struck. Suddenly her eyes popped open and turned into a plume of flame. She popped back up in a second flash of flame holding a baseball bat holding it up in a threatening position. "Who in the motherfucking hell is trying to murder me at this time." She threatened "For one it's 9 am, two I can take you mo'fucka. So food now." I walked into the kitchen as I heard Lena walk to the bathroom. I began the process of microwaving frozen pancakes when my purple and black phone beeped. Quickly picking it up I saw my boss's picture pop up.

"Sup Lily?" "Hey Belle. You're going to think I'm awesome." "I already think of you as awesome Lily." "Well even more awesome." "Ok why do I think your even more awesome than you are now?" "You and Lena are heading to Playlist Live and get to stay in Florida for two whole weeks." "Holy crap this is amazing I don't even-" "That's not even the best part you get to stay in Siesta key for two extra weeks." "Holy crap how much does this cost dude." "The firm was worried that you never go on vacation so they want me to call it your artistic cleanse. All the information is in your mailbox and you leave in about two days." "Lily you are the single most amazing person ever" "Thanks I know." I could hear her assistant Cara snickering in the background "You too Cara. Well I gotta go get the mail I guess bye." I hung up the phone turning to face Lena "GRABBING THE MAIL THERES IMPORTANT SHIT." Wrapping the cardigan around me I quickly walked to the stairs. After managing to scale up and down the stairs in record time I walked back into the apartment carrying the white envelope. I set it on the table and heard "That the important shit." "Yeah Lena and you're never going to guess what it is." She decided instead of hassling me on what it is she quickly tore it open and poured the contents on the counter. "Oh my damn we're going to Playlist Live." "Yeah." "HELL YEAH!!" She was smiling and I couldn't help but join in. "We eat then pack dude this is going to be off the charts." "Hell yeah it is."

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