Chapter 5

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Thursday 13th July 2021

"CARINA..CARINA PLEASE GET UP" Maya shouted as she held Blake at gun point "You did this you ass" Maya said "To bad your girlfriend is going to die" Blake said "NYPD everyone put your hands in the air" Sullivan shouted "Quick put handcuffs on him Delcua has been shot" Maya pleaded.

"Carina hey wake up for me please" Maya said putting pressure on the brunette's gun shot wounds "Maya what happened" Bailey asked "Not right now Cap please can you just get the ambulance here" Maya asked "They are 1 minute away" Bailey replied "Carina hey I need you to wake up please" Maya said shaking the blonde softly "AHH" Carina screamed in pain.

"You're okay his been arrested" Maya said still holding pressure on the brunette's abdomen "You need to stay awake please" Maya pleaded "I'm sorry" Carina said "no no you don't get to apologise" Maya said "Maya your bleeding" Andy said "I know I got shot in the leg" Maya said. "Let me take over holding pressure" Andy offered "NO I'm doing this just grab Sullivan's tie and wrap it tight around my leg" Maya said "Okay" Andy said doing what the blonde told her to do.

"Maya let someone else take over" Bailey said "No she jumped in front of a gun for me I am not leaving her and I am not letting someone else take over until the paramedics get here" Maya said. "Okay they are here give them room to work" Bailey said "I'm going with her" the blonde said "No you aren't" Bailey said "Yes I am Bailey this is all my fault I'm not leaving her side" Maya said standing up and limping towards the ambulance.

"New York Pres we are heading your way with a 33 year old women with 2 gun shot wounds to her abdomen, and a 29 year old women with a gun shot wound to her upper left leg be ready 2 minutes out" The paramedic said over the radio.

"Carina Deluca 33 2 GSW to her abdomen, Tachycardic and hypertensive" The paramedic said rolling Carina out of the ambulance and into the hospital entry "Truma 1" A red haired doctor yelled "This is Maya Bishop she has a GSW to her upper left leg, slightly bradycardic and hypertensive" The other paramedic said "Get me a wheelchair now" A doctor yelled.

"I can walk" Maya said following after Carina "no you can't go in there come on to this bed so we can get you leg looked after" The doctor said "Look Doc I'm fine okay I need to be with her" The blonde said stepping past the doctor and walking into the trauma room. "We are taking her to surgery" The Doctor said to Maya "We will update you when we can" The red haired doctor said before unclipping the bed breaks and rolling Carina away.

"Okay Maya Bishop it is time for us to check you okay go with Dr Grey over there please" A young guy said "Look man I'm not going anywhere until I get an update on Carina do you understand" Maya said "Okay" He said walking away. "Maya Bishop" Captain Bailey said walking into the trauma room "Captain" Maya said "Why aren't you letting them fix your leg" Bailey asked "I need to know that Carina is okay" The blonde said "She is going to be fine, get you leg looked at right now or I swear to you I will put you on desk duty for the rest of your career" Bailey said "Okay I'll go" Maya said walking out to the bed where Doctor Grey and her interns were waiting.

"We need a statement from you Bishop" Bailey said walking over to the blonde "Okay" Maya said as she started to explain everything "I was getting her free and I came up with a idea for her to trip over and grab the gun from my ankle guard, so she did she tripped over and grabbed the gun then she shouted now Maya so I ran and tackled Blake to the ground" Maya said explaining what happened "I got the gun out of his hands and Carina and I held him at gun point but he had another gun and he pulled it out and quickly aimed it at me before I could even react Carina jumped in front of me and 2 of the bullets went into her abdomen and then the third one into my leg" Maya said.

"The dugs are about to kick in you might want to do this later" Dr Grey suggested "Alright thank you" Bailey said "It's a through and through wound so you won't need surgery we are going to stitch you up and keep you here for a few days to watch for an infection and any complications okay" Grey said "No worriers, can you get me an update on Carina please" Maya asked "Of course".

Wednesday 14th July 2021

"Hi I am looking for my wife" Arizona said to the nurse at the front desk "Name" The lady asked "Carina Delcua" Arizona said "She is in room 214 just down the hall and turn left" The nurse said gesturing to where the brunette's room was.

"Bailey" Arizona said appearing at the brunette's room "Robbins" Miranda said "How is she" the blonde asked "She got out of surgery about an hour ago so she should be awake very soon, the surgeon said she went through the surgery with flying colours and she should make a full recovery" Bailey said. "Oh thank god" Arizona said "I am going to go in and wait until she is awake" the blonde said.

"Carina" Arizona said as the brunette opened her eyes "Shh don't try to talk your okay" The blonde added trying to sooth the Italian who looked panicked "Ma..." Carina tried to say "What" Arizona said "Ma....ya" Carina said darting her eyes around the room in search of her partner "I haven't seen her" Arizona said "Get...her.." Carina said.

"Where is Maya" Arizona asked as she left her wife's room "She is next door" Bailey said "Carina wants to see her" The blonde said "I'll tell her" Bailey said. "Hey how you feeling" Bailey asked walking into the blonde's room "Tired and sore" Maya answered "Carina is awake and asking for you" Bailey said.

"Hi" Maya said as she got wheeled into the brunette's room "Hi" Carina said a soft smile on her face. "How are you feeling" Maya asked taking a hold of the brunette's hand "Sore how about you" Carina said "Much better knowing you are okay" Maya said stroking the brunette's hand.

"Hey look at me" Carina said reaching out and tilting the blonde's chin up "I can't" Maya said "Why not" Carina asked Maya just ignoring the brunette and looking back down "Maya" Carina pleaded "Carina I can't" Maya said "Maya" Carina pleaded again "Carina you jumped in front of a gun for me" Maya said.

"And" Carina said "What do you mean and" Maya asked "I did it to save you Maya" the brunette said "You could of died" the blonde said "you could of died if I didn't jump in front of it" Carina said. "I need you to promise me you won't do that again" Maya said "I can't promise you that" Carina replied "Promise me you will never jump in front of a crazy guy pointing a gun at me" Maya said again "No Maya because I would do it over and over again to save you" Carina said staring into the blondes ocean blue eyes.

The two women got lost in each other's eyes for what felt like hours just staring not thinking about anything else "Maya" Carina said dropping her gaze form the sparkling blue coloured eyes in front of her down to the blondes lips before looking back to her eyes "Carina" Maya said leaning forward and tucking a strand of hair behind the brunette's ear.

"Carina" Arizona said barging into the hospital room Maya instantly leaning away from the brunette and clearing her throat "What are you doing here" Carina asked "What do you mean" Arizona asked "We aren't together anymore so why are you here" the Italian said "You got shot" the blonde said "Yeah I did but I'm fine and there are people here taking care of me, but you don't need to be here" Carina said. "Carina" Arizona said "No you cheated on me multiple times I don't want to hear anything more, and send me back the divorce papers signed I've been waiting days" the brunette said.

"You are the reason my wife is leaving me" Arizona said pointing to the blonde "What" Maya said chuckling "You are all over her" Arizona said "she is leaving you because you cheated on her" Maya said. "Arizona leave it alone" Carina said "No why don't we just state the facts huh" Arizona said "Don't" the Italian said. "You transferred precinct's to nineteen, you get a new partner a very attractive blonde you start acting different pulling away from me spending more time at work" Arizona started saying getting more worked up "You have feelings for her" Arizona said "What" Carina said "You do I can see it in your eyes, you used to look at me that way" the blonde added. "Your right I did used to look at you this way but now when I see you I just want to be sick so please kindly get out of my room now" Carina said.

"What does she have that I don't" Arizona asked "She is kind and funny and goofy, her smile it lights up the whole room and her laughter is contagious, she is an amazing partner and most importantly when you were out cheating on me and my marriage was falling apart she was there" Carina said "She was there when I drunk the pain away, she was there when I screamed the pain away and smashed every single dish in her kitchen, when I needed to cry she was there, if I wanted to talk she was there, If I just wanted someone to lay in silence with me she was there. She is always there aren't you are out sleeping with anyone else" Carina said.

"And no I don't love Maya, she is just an amazing friend and about 100 times the women you will ever be"

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