Chapter 15

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Saturday 21st August 2021

Maya slowly woke up from the sun shining through the blinds in her room she was quick to move her pillow over her head not welcoming of the light "You don't like mornings" Carina asked laughing from where she was sitting up scrolling through her phone "Mhm usually I do but we were up talking to all hours last night" Maya replied not moving the pillow from over her face "Please wake up I'm bored now and need attention I let you sleep for as long as I could" the brunette said moving to straddle the blonde "You opened the blinds" Maya said "I did it's 8 already" Carina said moving the pillow from the blondes face "You need to stop" the blonde said rolling her eyes "Mhm such a delight in the morning" Carina joked leaning down and pressing a kiss to the blondes lips.

"I am going for a shower and I was going to ask you to join but since it is such a hardship for you to be up this early I'll let you have a few more minutes of sleep" Carina said laughing as she flipped her leg over the blondes body and walked towards the bathroom "that isn't fair I didn't know showering with you was on the table" Maya said "Mhm your loss I guess" Carina replied with a silly smirk on her face before shutting the bathroom door and clicking the lock. Maya slowly sat herself up and made her way into the kitchen putting on a pot of coffee before connecting her phone to the speakers and playing some music rather loudly.

Maya wasn't one to dance often but this morning she had an extra spring in her step I mean why wouldn't she, last night she went on what she would deem to be her best date yet then she woke up to the brunette in her bed shortly after hovering over her. It gave Maya a sense of confidence to know that her and Carina had more then sexual attraction they were connecting on an emotional level and almost nothing was left unsaid and she says almost nothing because the blonde herself is keeping some things from the brunette but none of that mattered because this morning Maya was feeling giddy and slowly started to move to the music that was filling her house.

Carina on the other hand was stood in the shower dancing to the music she could faintly hear and she was scared how quickly her and Maya were connecting she was with her ex wife for 10 years and never had the conversations she had with Maya. Arizona and her hadn't gone on a date like her and Maya did last night in well over 5 years there was no other way to describe how Carina was feeling other then scared but it was a good scared like she was getting a second chance and she couldn't wait to fully explore it and most importantly she didn't want to screw it up.


"Wow Maya Bishop dancing I think I need this on video" Carina said playfully leaning up against the wall of the kitchen watching the blonde dance around the kitchen "You wouldn't dare" Maya said laughing "Coffee" the blonde said dancing towards the Italian handing her the mug "thank you bella" Carina said quick to take a sip and let the hot fluid immediately relax her body "I know it isn't as good as yours but you need it" Maya said "saying I look tired" Carina asked "Yes" the blonde deadpanned "You are so annoying" the Italian said placing her mug on the bench and walking towards Maya placing her hands on her waist and closing the gap between the two of them.

"Do you have plans for today" the blonde asked "I have dinner with my brother tonight and I was going to go to the gym" Carina replied "No plans this morning" Maya asked "no plans" the brunette replied "Good well I want to take you for breakfast" the blonde said "a date with Maya Bishop how could I deny" Carina said "I don't have anything to wear though" the brunette said "I have clothes" Maya simply replied "no way you do" Carina asked chuckling "I'm about to take back my offer" Maya said laughing "come on let's get ready" the brunette said grabbing Maya's hand and pulling her towards the bedroom.


"Good Morning we currently don't have any tables available but we can do take away" the lady at the front of the cafe said "that is what I wanted anyway thank you" Maya replied taking hold of Carina's hand and walking towards the counter "What do you want" the blonde asked "Acai bowl please" Carina said "So healthy" the blonde said "another coffee" Maya asked "Please" Carina simply replied.

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