Chapter 9

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Tuesday 10th August 2021

"Here" Carina asked "Yeah that's fine" Maya said sitting down at the table with Carina "You asked me all those things this morning" Carina said "I did" Maya confirmed "Well I gave you my answers" Carina said "You did" Maya said. "So now what" the brunette asked "so now don't move out" the blonde said "I have to" Carina said "Why" Maya asked. "I need my own space Maya I just got out of a very long and draining relationship I don't want to have to be mindful of you, I want to be able to do whatever I want" Carina explained.

"Okay" Maya said "Okay" Carina confirmed "I just we have gotten super close and most of that is because you are living with me so I don't want to loose what we have just because you move out" Maya said "We won't we are still going to be close and you can always come to me with everything but living alone it is something I have to do to recover okay" the Italian said "Okay" Maya said "let's go back" Carina said standing up and leading them back towards the other two.

"Everything okay" Andy asked "all good" Carina said the blonde just nodding her head "So now you have all accepted being my bridesmaids I want you to come dress shopping with me next week" Andy asked "Of course" All three women quickly replied "And we will do your dresses whilst we are out hopefully we can find all of it in one go" Andy said.


"Game of pool" Maya asked "You're on" Carina said "We are going for a game of pool" Maya announced "We will be here" Vic said holding her drink up and clinking it against Andy's. "Do you think there is more going on between them" Andy asked "Between Maya and Carina" Vic asked "Mhm" Andy nodded her head "I think they both are falling for each other, but I don't think Carina is going to admit her feelings because she just got divorced not that long ago and Maya well you know how she is she avoids feelings at all cost she will just start shutting Carina out" Andy said.

"What does the winner get" Carina asked "What do I want" Maya asked in thought "Oh hush" Carina said "Okay I'll tell you what I want for when I win" the brunette said "I want you to be my wingwomen find me someone to sleep with to be my rebound from my ex wife" Carina said "That can be arranged" Maya said smirking "And when I win I would like you to do any paper work I don't want to for a week" the blonde said "Okay you're on Bishop" Carina said holding her hand out for the blonde to shake "Okay Delcua" Maya said chuckling shaking the brunette's hand.

"One more ball and I win" Carina said lining up to take her shot "Hey" Maya said making the brunette look up at her "Do you reckon these pants make my ass look good" the blonde asked turning around "Good try but you can't distract me with your perfect ass" Carina said laughing taking pushing the pool cue through her fingers and sinking her last ball "To easy Bishop" the brunette said laughing.

"Didn't think you would win wow" Maya said "Mhm now i'll need a few more drinks before I cash in this bet" Carina said walking towards the bar. "Hi may I please get 3 tequila shots" Carina said "And 3 for me" A women said walking up next to the Italian "My shout" The women said handing the money over to the bartender. "Carina Delcua" the Italian said holding her hand out "Jo Wilson" The girl said "Jo Wilson as in the Dr that Maya was seeing" Carina asked "The one who she ghosted that would be me" Jo said nodding her head.

"Jo" Maya said walking up to the two women "Maya" Jo said "I should get back but I hope to see you around" Jo said winking at the Italian "What was that about" Maya asked "Oh she just bought these shots for me" Carina said "oh right" the blonde said "Relax I would never go there with her" Carina said "Okay good" Maya said.

"See anyone you want" Maya asked as they walked back towards the table "Mhm" Carina said staring at the blondes ass "Stop looking at my ass" Maya said "I'm not" Carina replied but Maya turned around, Carina not lifting her eye line last enough "Okay you can't wear pants like that and expect people not to look" Carina said chuckling.

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