Chapter 26

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Saturday 25th September 2021

"Morning" Maya said running a hand along her girlfriends arm "Morning bambina" Carina responded smiling tiredly at the blonde before letting out a long yawn "Tired" Maya asked with a chuckle "Very" the Italian said "Wonder why" the blonde said an instant smirk falling to her lips "Well someone thought it would be a wise idea to have hours of drunken sex" Carina stated "huh I think it was worth it though" Maya offered "Definitely" Carina confirmed leaning in and capturing the blondes lips in a short but passionate kiss.

"Do you want to go out for breakfast or do you want me to cook" the brunette asked "We can just eat here if that's okay I told Mason we would meet him for lunch" Maya said "Today" Carina asked "Yeah is that okay" the blonde asked "Perfect" the Italian said. "What do you want me to cook" Carina asked again "I'll make something you just relax you always cook" Maya said resting her hands on her girlfriends shoulders moving her hands to give her a shoulder rub "Mhm I am a better cook though" Carina said a slight moan at the end at the way Maya was currently working her magic.

"Rude" the blonde said softly pushing Carina away form her "hey no fair that was like a 2 second massage" Carina groaned "Maybe you shouldn't have insulted my cooking" Maya offered "I hate you" Carina said running towards her girlfriend and playfully tackling her into the couch "This isn't a game you want to play with me" Maya warned from her place underneath Carina "Oh why is that" the brunette asked "Carina look at these guns and tell me you can beat me" Maya said flexing her biceps as best she could "I think I can take you" Carina replied grabbing the blondes wrists and pinning her down on the couch "You are so cute" Maya said before wrapping her legs around the brunette's legs and in a swift movement flipping them over so she was on top.

"I don't know why you always do this" Carina said with a chuckle "Do what" Maya asked confused "Pretend like you are a top but in reality when we are in the bedroom all you want is to be like ahhh Carina, harder, faster" the brunette said trying her best to imitate the blondes moans causing them both to burst into a fit of laughter "I do not sound like that" Maya said after her laughter subsided "That sounded exactly like you" Carina said "If I show you my moan you will get distracted and want to fuck me but I am hungry and want real food so get your cute butt off me so I can cook please" Maya said "My cute butt" Carina said peeling her self off her girlfriend and lifting her oversized tee up to show Maya her very naked backside.

"You are evil" Maya said playfully rolling her eyes "Cook" Carina demanded walking towards the kitchen and taking a seat on the bench "What's your brother like" the brunette asked "Nervous" Maya teased "A little" Carina nodded "He is a good guy, he is an artist and is pretty successful" the blonde said "You will hear all about him at lunch anyways so let's not talk about him" Maya added. "Do you want to get married" Carina randomly asked staring out the window of the kitchen at the view of the beach "What" the blonde asked confused "Marriage do you want it" Carina said "Uh I feel like it's very early to be having this conversation" Maya replied.

"I know it is but I want to know where your head is" Carina said "Uh I'm not really fussed if I am being honest" Maya said "I mean if we stay together and you want to get married then I will but obviously with everything that happened in your past if you don't want to then it doesn't really matter" the blonde added "I don't want to get married again" Carina said her voice breaking as she tried to hold back tears "Hey hey what's wrong" Maya asked quick to be in front of her girlfriend "I don't want you to hate me because I don't want to get married again I just I can't do it" Carina said "It's okay I didn't ask you to marry me and if you don't want to get married I'll never ask you" Maya said "I'm sorry" the Italian said "You have nothing to be sorry for beautiful" Maya said landing a short kiss on the brunette's lips.


"He is running a little late but we can just get a drink whilst we wait for him" Maya said as they walked into the restaurant and she pulled out the brunette's chair for her "Thankyou" Carina said "So we have a week left what else is on the agenda" Maya asked as she took the seat across from her girlfriend whilst she waited for her brother to arrive "Well that my darling is for you to find out as the days go on" the brunette replied just as the waiter arrived and took there drink order. "Maya" Mason said appearing in front of the blonde "Mason" Maya said quickly standing up and wrapping her arms around her brother "This is my girlfriend Carina, Carina my brother Mason" Maya said introducing the two.

"so nice to finally meet you" Mason beamed wrapping the small brunette in a hug "You too" Carina replied as they pulled away and sat back at the table Maya now sat next to her girlfriend. "How have you been" Mason asked "Good thank you I made Sargent and obviously have my stunning girlfriend and I couldn't be happier" Maya said "I am so proud of you" Mason replied. "The gallery is doing good" the blonde sister asked "Very good we are actually having a little party thing there on Thursday if you two are free and want to come" Mason offered "Sounds amazing" Maya said looking to her girlfriend for confirmation "Si perfect" Carina added nodding her head.

The lunch was coming to an end as Mason had to get back to work but they had promised to keep in better touch and that both Maya and Carina would come over to Italy more often and Mason would come to New York. "It was great seeing you Maya but I have to get back I will see you on Thursday enjoy your holiday" Mason said standing up and hugging her sister once more "Carina so lovely to meet you" the blonde brother added hugging the brunette before saying his goodbyes and leaving the two women alone.

"That went okay didn't it" Carina asked nervously "It went perfectly baby" Maya confirmed "good" the brunette said slowly nodding her head "what's wrong" Maya asked confused "Do you want me to meet your parents" Carina asked "Eventually yeah" the blonde said "It isn't a big thing for me you know I don't have all that much communication with them it was more important you met my brother then anything" Maya said "You have to meet Andrea" Carina said "Have to" Maya asked with a chuckle "Sorry I would really like for you to meet Andrea please if you want to" the Italian said "whatever you want".


"Do you want to go for a swim" Carina asked from where she was sitting on the couch going through her emails "it's cold outside" Maya replied "Okay well I want to go for a swim at the beach so do you want to just come and lay in the sun whilst I swim" the brunette asked "Of course baby" the blonde said. "It is actually hotter then I thought" Maya groaned from where she was laying on the Italians towel "told you" Carina said with a chuckle "I should have worn my swimmers hey" Maya said "Just go naked" the brunette said.

"I am not going to swim naked" the blonde said "Why not there is like no one on this beach at all and you will be in the water no one will see you" Carina offered "you make a fair point" Maya said "Well if you decide to join me I'll see you in there" the Italian said before running off towards the water and throwing herself into the waves "She's so perfect" Maya said to herself watching her girlfriend move about in the water before deciding she would join her in the ocean.

Maya was quick to stand up and look around to make sure there was no one near them when she saw the coast was clear she took off her clothes leaving just her g string on and walked towards the water "You came" Carina said the smile on her face was worth a million dollars the way it lit up when she saw the blonde "Of course I came in anywhere that you are I will be" Maya said "Anywhere" the brunette asked "Anywhere" the blonde confirmed wrapping her arms around her girlfriend and lifting her legs around her waist.

"What if I wanted to be right here" Carina said "What" Maya asked confused "What if I wanted to be here in Italy" the brunette said "You want to move back here" Maya questioned "Not yet but one day yes" the Italian women said "Well yes I will come with you" the blonde confirmed "You would do that for me" Carina asked shocked "Not for you for us for our future together and our life together I would follow you where ever you want to go" Maya said "You're amazing" Carina said a massive grin on her face.

A/N - Having some major writer block for this story, if you have any ideas or suggestions that could potentially help me move along a bit I would appreciate it so much, until then I'll continue to try and write and see what I come up with.

Until next time xx

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