Chapter Four- Things escalate.

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~Poppy's point of view~

Today is Avery's first birthday. We are doing his party before the show. Our life is nothing but shows and home; Daniel is so protective of both of us. He lets Jamie around more; he hangs out quite a bit at the house. He and I are close, and Avery loves him. It does get lonely sometimes when he isn't here. Daniel is here and protective, but he doesn't really talk to me anymore.

We haven't seen Keith since the night in Indiana. That doesn't mean I haven't heard from him. Every month since then, I get a registered letter. I have to sign for it. The first one was money. There was a note in it from him that said he would send the same amount every month. It was a huge sum of money, and it's always cash.

By the third month, he started making demands. He insisted that I email him from a yahoo account. When I didn't do it, he showed up here when I was alone. He roughed me up a bit, but he didn't rape me. He did force me to open the email while he was there. The bruises he left weren't visible to the eye. He knew what he was doing; I am only seventeen; he is a grown man and much bigger than me.

I get random emails from him. If I don't respond in the timeframe he thinks I should, he makes threats. He has never followed through with any, but I can't say that he won't. I always give in before I let it get there. The shitty part is he lives here. So, if he is home, I wouldn't put it past him to just show up. I also know that right now, he is hurt and can't work. He had surgery two weeks ago. Which means he's home.

I don't think he realizes the only computer we have in this house is in Daniel's office. I can't and won't go in there without him knowing. I have a bad feeling today. I don't know why, but I do. I lay down. I am home alone for the moment. Daniel took Avery to get a haircut. No, it's not his first. His hair grows fast. Daniel offered to take him, and he wanted to go shopping. I think Daniel uses my child to pick up women.

I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.

I feel something heavy on me. It has to be a dream. I scream.

Keith: "Shut the fuck up."

I immediately stop. This isn't a dream. He is really here today of all days; he is going to do this on our son's birthday.

I let him do what he always does.

Keith: "Turn over."

Poppy: "No."

Keith: "You stupid fucking cunt. You always want shit the fucking hard way."

He stands up and lifts me, then slams me down on the bed face first. He then gets behind me, and instead of going where he usually goes, he rams himself into my bottom. I scream out in pain.

Keith: "Shut the fuck up."

He digs his hands into my hips. I know I will have bruises once he is done. He takes what he wants over and over. He ignores the fact the I am losing it while he is. I feel him release, and he stands up.

Keith: "Get up."

Poppy: "You got what you wanted, just go."


I stand up

Keith: "Go take a shower."

I walk towards the bathroom in my room. He stands at the door and watches me shower. When I am done, I get out. Before I can grab a towel, he grabs my hair and pulls me into my room.

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