Chapter Seven- Moving on or not...

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~Poppy's point of view~

That night changed my life forever. Instead of making Harley leave, I left. I moved Avery and myself to a different state. I left everything and everyone behind; we have done well.

We have cell phones now. I set up a bank account, and Keith deposits money in it every month. He sends emails, but we haven't seen him since the night he took us home.

Avery has never asked about his dad, thankfully. He is obsessed with wrestling and watches it religiously. He won't miss a show; Keith is his favorite. Out of them all, he remembers Mercedes.

Through Keith, I learned that she is living in my old house with Harley. They are married and have a baby. It's been seven years since that night. Through his emails, Keith keeps me updated.

I have lied to him and told him I didn't have a cell phone, just a home phone and a computer for Avery for school. I got a job with a great company that had a daycare for Avery when he was younger, and he is in an after-school program after school now.

I have stayed single. I don't want anything to do with any man. I am very thankful that Keith leaves me alone other than the emails. I hate to think what would happen if I didn't respond.

I walk in the door from work.

Poppy: "Did you get all Your homework done?"

Avery: "It's Thursday."

Poppy: "How could I forget?"

I make dinner, and we eat. Monday's and Thursday's are wrestling days. I read while he watches it. Over the years, I have seen several of the guys from my time around it come and go. Mercedes came and went. Glenn and Rob came and went.

Daniel, Alan, Keith, and a guy named King are still there and have been. King is and always has been one of my favorites. He is a monster of a man, and if he were in the building when I was pregnant with Avery, his hands were on my belly.

If Keith was around at the same time, it earned me a punishment. I hear the TV say that Monday's show will be our in town. I look up at the TV and see Keith and King standing in the ring. It looks like they are getting ready to wrestle. Avery has no idea I know any of them other than Mercedes. He also knows we are no longer friends.

I should be thankful he doesn't remember who they are. He just enjoys the show, and I listen when he talks about it. I watch some of the matches between Keith and King. King uses a different name, but Keith uses his own. During the match, Daniel interfered. It was karma, you could say. Daniel is Avery's second favorite; he does not use his real name.

Avery: "I knew that was going to happen."

Poppy: "What?"

I look up, and Alan was in the ring too.

Poppy: "How did this come about?"

Avery: "You were reading while this is going down?"

I laugh.

Poppy: "Yes, I was."

Avery: "How is that possible?"

Poppy: "Wrestling is for boys."

Avery: "Look for a minute, Mom. It's all four greats in one ring."

They are not the greats. Some are better; I will keep that opinion to myself. I won't crush my child's dreams.

Same routine as every night. He gets a snack during the middle of the show, showers after, and goes to bed. I drift off to my nightmares.

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