Chapter 1

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Waterlily raced through the streets of Possibility with a panicked purpose. A dark cloak rustled on her horns and back. She was about halfway through the strange town when she collided with an unfamiliar dragon.

"Ow! Hey, watch it pipsqueak!"

The strange dragon snapped at her with sharp white teeth. "I'm in a hurry, move!" Waterlily snarled forcefully. She threw her head back, searching for a place to rest for a few minutes. A narrow, dark alleyway revealed itself to her all of a sudden. She ducked inside, letting out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. After she caught her breath, Waterlily noticed the shadows shifting. Her eyes narrowed. "Okay, if you need something from me, come out and say it, instead of lurking in the shadows like a creep!"

"Your name." The Dragon muttered. He stepped forward, and Waterlily saw that he was the same Dragon she had bumped into earlier. A stalker? Or maybe a bounty hunter? It would make sense the Drought would put a price on Waterlily's head, considering she was her Champion.

Waterily pulled her head back, confused. "Huh?"

"What's your name?" The Dragon repeated. His head was tilted to one side, and whatever menacing factor that had been there before was gone.

Waterlily was agitated now. Who was this strange Dragon to command her to do anything? "Exactly why I would give my name to a Dragon who called me 'Pipsqueak'?"

"Because I know what you're running from, and I want to help."

                                                              +  +  +

"Dusk." Waterlily tried the Dragon's name out. She had noticed something off about him. He was built like a Skywing, Scarlet scales and all, but there were also splotches of Sandy yellow creeping along his spine to the tip of his tail. But that's not the weirdest part, he had a ... Sandwing tail barb? She was about to ask if he was some kind of hybrid when he said:

"So, what are you?" The question came as such a shock to her that it took her a moment to register.

"A Sandwing! Duh." She laughed nervously. Waterlily's eyes darted back and forth.

"Not with THAT sail you're not," Dusk smirked. Waterlily felt along her horns and discovered that her cloak had flown off in her hurry. She quietly cursed under her breath. "So, you gonna tell me what you are or not?"


"Half Rainwing. Huh. I've never heard of that before. I thought all the Rainwings stayed in the rainforest."

Waterlily, the Dragon standing in front of him was called. She was sandy-yellow, with a flowy translucent teal-ish sail. She also had flicks of teal on her under scales (they were a lighter yellow.) and wings. Dusk thought it looked like someone had thrown paint at her. Her eyes, the same teal as all her other complementary features, were quite large. Her tail barb was also teal but immediately faded back into yellow at the base. "I guess it's easy to see what I am." He said lightly, poking fun at himself to try and break the ice.

Waterlily tilted her head thoughtfully. "A Skywing? And, judging from those soft yellow bits, Sandwing."

"Yup. You caught me red tal-." Suddenly, a roar sounded from the Town square:


"What was that?" Dusk asked,

"Ivegottagothanksforthecoversationbyeeee" Waterlily mumbled quickly.

"What? No! I'm coming too!" Dusk snapped indigently.

"This is not the time to be having this conversa-"

A slithering hiss cut her off. 

"Ah, there you are. I was beginning to worry about you." A "thump" resonated from next to Dusk. Waterlily was suddenly on the ground. 

"Wha?.." Dusk murmured, as a sharp pain hit the back of his head, and he fell unconscious.

A Shadow in the Stars-WILL NOT BE UPDATEDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora