Chapter 7

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"Starflight, How? What about Fatespeaker?" Waterlily Inquired, confusion filling her eyes.

"Fatespeaker was the one to tell me he was gone, she said she had gone to get some scrolls, and when she returned, he was gone. She looked everywhere, he's gone." Tsunami was distressed, the fear in her eyes didn't match her usual oomph. 

                                                                                 ~   ~   ~

The Ivory Winglet had finally arrived at their sleeping caves, and Waterlily was conflicted.  Her sand-covered ledge felt cold, and she drifted into dreamless sleep. 


Wave sat in the library, Fatespeaker was guarding the entrance with a stoic expression that wave had never before seen on the usually upbeat Nightwing. They picked a scroll from one of the racks, the title was: Animus dragons throughout history. They rolled the scroll to around the middle length And started reading. 

                                                                          ~   ~   ~

 After an hour, Wave closed the scroll. 

"Fatespeaker? May I go back to my sleeping cave?" 

The Nightwing sighed and turned around. 

"Alright, Let's Start Walking."

 Fatespeaker Had been, to say the least, different since Starflight disappeared, more stressed, and paranoid. 

"So, What scroll were you reading?" Wave was plunged out of their thoughts, they hadn't expected Fatespeaker to make small talk, especially considering her current mood. 

"Animus dragons throughout history." They responded. 

"Ooh, I like that one!" There was an uncomfortable silence after the short exchange. The dragons arrived at Wave's sleeping cave, Waterlily had gone, probably to the history cave. Wave walked into their cave, and floundered into their bed of water.


Dusk was having a dream. Or, more accurately, a nightmare. He shifted in his sleep, small sounds of dismay coming from him. In his dream, a tall shadowed figure loomed over him, reaching out long, dark tentacles reaching for him. It grabbed Dusk, pulling him into itself. He tried to open his eyes, But the demon in his sleep was strong, it gripped him tightly, and to dusks shock, it spoke. Clear as day it said to him:

 "There is No way to escape, you will be a mere memory soon, and I will achieve what I need, power." 

Dusk tried to scream, but his attacker had done something to his voice. 

"There is no use trying to call for help, you are still dreaming, and you will stay that way, forever."

Dusk Struggled, but his attacker's grip was strong, and it only resulted in his body's weakness. "There's no way to get out of this, I can't fight it.." He thought in despair. So there he stayed, a mere shadow in the stars.

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