Chapter 3

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A new dragon's talons clawed weakly at Waterlily's chest. "Fight harder!" She hissed at the- Seawing? Nightwing?

"I'm trying!" The odd dragon replied.

After a few weak sequences of clawing and biting and disapproving calls from the crowd, Waterlily whispered to the dragon: "I know I sound crazy, but I'm going to get us out of here. Just play along and act as if we've both been fatally injured." Surprisingly, the Dragon complied instantly, falling to the ground convincingly. Again, where the crowd couldn't see her, she painted a slash mark on the Dragon's throat. On her own she painted pretty much the same thing, and crumpled into a heap on the stone below her.

"What's this? It seems My Champion has failed?!" Drought whined with mock dismay. The watching crowd followed suit, faking calls of shock. "Whatever, throw them in the back with the other corpses." Bask picked up the "lifeless" bodies and walked to the back of the compound.

"Oof," Waterlily grunted when she and her combatant were tossed onto the pile.

"Ow! Woah, you actually came!" Dusk's red-scaled head poked out from underneath her.

"Dusk, you're ok! And you smell terrible!" Waterlily said with a gag.

"Well, you tend to smell when you've been sitting in a pile of dead Dragons all day."

He replied flatly.

"You realize you could have moved, right?"

"Yeah, but you'd be surprised how comfortable they are."

"Argh! So gross!"

"Hey, I don't think we have, erm.. Been formally introduced." The dragon that Waterlily had been fighting spoke up.

"Oh, right! This is Dusk, I'm Waterlily, what's your name?" She asked.

"Wave" The dragon replied timidly.

They were a normal-sized dragon, with navy blue scales dotted here and there with black. They were built like a Nightwing, but had the scales of a Seawing. The star-shaped bioluminescent scales they sported were a very light blue, and their eyes, were they..glowing? "No time for that, we have to find a place to stay.." Waterlily mumbled to herself.

"Hm?" Wave questioned.

"Well, you're obviously coming with us. We're battle buddies now!" Waterlily grinned stupidly. "I'm just not sure where to go..." Waterlily smirked at Wave, whose ears had perked up in excitement.

"I have an idea!" 

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