Chapter 4

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Chapter art by me!

"Wow, Jade mountain is farther away than I thought," Wave yelled over the wind, flapping in a panicked manner to keep up with Dusk and Waterlily.

"I can't believe I'm agreeing to this." Waterlily grumble-called back.

She had not liked the idea of Jade mountain academy, to say the very least. Waterlily had whined and guilted Wave and Dusk to change their minds, but both of them were set on the idea of Jade Mountain. The three pushed on through the howling wind, finally coming to a stop on a rocky cliff edge that opened into a cave that, in turn, led to a series of winding tunnels.

"Arg! where are we!??" Waterlily growl-grumped.

"I hope we find the Academy soon, angry Waterlily is not a pretty sight," Wave said sheepishly. They didn't know how much more of this creepy place they could take.

Dusk suddenly spoke up, which came as a surprise to the other two, since he had been almost silent the whole flight. "We should go up, who would want their school to be under a mountain? especially if they were trapped underneath one for six years?"

"He has a point," Wave agreed. "Also, this place is super creepy."

The trio marched upwards, attempting to navigate the winding tunnels of the mountain. It had been around an hour of non-stop walking when Wave finally spotted a brightly lit tunnel, which did in fact, lead to the school.

"Let's split up, It'll be easier to find the Dragonets of Destiny this way," Waterlily said.

"I'll see if Starflights is in the library." Waterlily bounded down a corridor and out of sight.

"Excuse me, but who are you Dragons?" A new voice sounded from behind them, standing there, was Sunny, the Sandwing dragonet of the prophecy.


"The Ivory winglet," Dusk said. "Color me skeptical." He glanced at Waterlily with a questioning look.

"Yes, and you've come just in time for a spot!" Sunny answered excitedly.

"Are there any other dragonets in this new winglet?" Waterlily inquired with a tone that Dusk hadn't yet seen on her. Something almost, gentle?

"Not yet, also, uh...I have a question for you all, you're hybrids, no doubt about that, so which tribe would like to..erm be in? We have 7 dragonets in each winglet, and each one is supposed to be from a different tribe, so.. Erm.." Sunny trailed off in the middle of her sentence, obviously not sure how to finish.

"I'll take Sandwing." Waterlily replied awkwardly. "Skywing." dusk said in the same awkward manner as Waterlily.

"Erm, Seawing please." Wave answered in the same tone as the other two.

"Ok!" Sunny said. "I'll dream visit Glory for a Nightwing and a Rainwing, And Queen Morhen and Queen Snowfall for a Mudwing and an Icewing."

"This should be interesting..." Dusk mumbled to himself.


Waterlily, Dusk, And Wave sat patiently in the great hall of Jade Mountain Academy. Today is the day the Academy starts up again after summer. "Oh wow," Waterlily said unenthusiastically. "Other dragons." So far, the entirety of the jade winglet had arrived. (Moonwatcher, Kinkajou, Turtle, Cryo, Gator, Falcon, and Jackal.)

"HELLO, NEW DRAGONS!!!!!!!" A loud and overenthusiastic Rainwing exclaimed from behind Waterlily.

"What the fuck!?" Waterlily exclaimed. Ugh. Rainwings. Always loud and in your face. They're like if Toucans accidentally ate smokeberries, and then stayed up for 3 days straight. Fruit-eating bastards.

The Nightwing, Moonwatcher, put her talon over her mouth in shock, although Waterlily didn't know why. Wave looked very overwhelmed by the Rainwing.

"Kinkajou, stop! You're scaring them!" Moonwatcher affectionately said to Kinkajou.

To Waterlily, Moonwatcher looked like a kiss-up.

"Just Moon, thank you, and I am not a kiss-up."

Waterlily did a double take.

"You, you're a.." She trailed off.

"Yes, a mind reader, and I don't appreciate what you're thinking about me right now."

"Whatever, I'm going to the library."

Waterlily tried to hide her shock inwardly and outwardly.

"No! Stay!" Dusk said to her.

*Waterlily scoffed. "Fine."

"So, what winglet are you guys in?" Kinkajou asked excitedly.

"The Ivory winglet, it's new, the Dragonets of Destiny came up with it recently, I can't imagine you've heard of it,"

Waterlily said half-heartedly.

"Oh my gosh, you're right! I haven't heard of it!" Kinkajou responded. What is wrong with this dragon? Waterlily's sarcasm was rolling right off of her!

"Come on! Let's go find our caves!" Dusk flicked his tail towards a tunnel.

"Wait, aren't they the same ones as last year?" Moon asked,

"No, they said they changed them due to the new winglet." Waterlily put in.

"Let's go already!" Kinkajou said, running into one of the tunnels, in the complete opposite direction of the caves.

"We better follow her and help." Waterlily sighed.

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