The Top Ten Romney Zingers

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The Top Ten Romney Zingers


It was reported the week preceding the first presidential debate that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney was focusing his attention more on zingers than anything else in preparation for his debate with President Obama.

The following was written in the New York Times the Friday before the debate:

"Mr. Romney’s team has concluded that debates are about creating moments and has equipped him with a series of zingers that he has memorized and has been practicing on aides since August. His strategy includes luring the president into appearing smug or evasive about his responsibility for the economy."1

After this bit of news was released, I thought I'd be kind and attempt to aid Mr. Romney with his zingers.

The Top Ten Romney Zingers

10. ::speaking to Obama:: "Wanna bet? $2 million? $2 million that I have more houses than you?"

9. "I even know gay guys that are jealous of my hair!"

8. "Unlike the president here, the only time I've ever flip-flopped is when I said I didn't, which is what I'm doing right now!"

7. "So what if I don't care about 47% of the country? Only 47% of the country like Obama!"

6. "If either of us is a believer in women's rights, it's me! As a Mormon and unlike Obama, I believe women should be afforded the right to give their bodies to men with other wives!"

5. "Under this president, the unemployment rate is still above 8%. That's more than I pay in taxes!"

4. "Obama may have killed one bin Laden, but I've killed more jobs!"

3. "Who let the dogs out? Unlike Obama, who was busy eating them, I put mine on the roof of my car!"

2. "Obama says he's creating jobs. Well, Mr. President, I'm unemployed and only making $20 million. Where's my job?"

1. (::drum roll::) "Obamacare? You didn't build that, Mr. President! I did!"


1 (footnote) Romney was attempting to make someone else look smug? That would be like Santa Claus attempting to make someone else look fat.

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