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I could tell he was still contemplating going to meet up with Suge. It was written all over his face, but he knew I was just trying to keep him safe.

I'm glad we shared yesterday because I at least got to build some trust so he wouldn't just be like "who's this crazy bitch tryna make me stay home?". The amount of times I envisioned me getting him to stay, and it was here - and real.

It doesn't feel like it.


It feels like one long, run-on nightmare at this point. If he dies, if he even goes and meets up with him, I have no way of helping him again. I can't get sucked into a never ending cycle of going back again and again trying to prevent the inevitable. So I had to try, and make sure I tried my damn hardest.

'I can't fuck this up,' I thought to myself. 'This has to work.'

"Eric," I said, breaking the silence and getting his attention. "Come down to the beach with me. Santa Monica. Just me and you."

He looked at me with a sly grin. "Now you should be able to take one look at me, shawty, and know that I don't do the beach. I'll walk the pier, but ain't no way I'ma get my 'tootsies' hot and sandy down by the shore."

I busted out laughing like never before. I don't think I've ever heard a grown man refer to feet or toes as tootsies in my entire life. But then again he's not exactly like anyone I've met before.

"So will you join me at the pier?" I asked. He nodded and grabbed his keys.

We found a place to park, paid the meter, then walked onto the platform that led to the pier from the street. Looking out past the water to the horizon was beautiful. People were wearing some crazy fashionable outfits, and others were just crazy. There were ages from zero to 99 out walking along this pier. 

We definitely got some stares and I could hear some people whispering as they passed us asking, "Was that him? Can you believe it?" and others were wondering who I was, and even more-so, who I was to him. 

"Don't worry about them," he whispered, leaning close to my face to say it. "You're with me and that's all that matters."

"Yeah.." I sighed softly. Off in the distance I could see a boat pulling parasailors with dolphins trailing behind it. Truly, it was a beautiful sight. I could get used to thi-.


It can't be.

My God-

"We have to go Eric."

"But we just got here, Ja-" he tried, but I turned to him with utter seriousness. He stopped for a second. "What?"

"We have to GO." I urged him back the opposite way. We had to get out before they saw us.

What he didn't know, was that I saw Dre and Suge with two ho's down maybe 30 feet the way we were walking. They hadn't noticed us, but if we keep walking it won't be long until they do. I grabbed his wrist and tried to pull him back to the car. "I'm having fun with you, Jaz, why do you wanna go?"

I got real quiet. Brandon said to do whatever I had to do. I could tell Eric after we got back in the car so he wouldn't go pick a fight with them. "E, do you wanna go - you know.."

He looked at me blankly. "No, no I don't know. Do I want to what?"

I widened my eyes and looked down to further explain without using words. He looked like he still had no idea. I sighed. "Do you want to go get nasty?" I tried to whisper.

"I- what?" He backed up and looked like he got punched in the chest by someone double his size. "You want to?"

"Let's go," I said, pulling his arm. He followed but stopped and pulled his arm back once we got back to the car.

"I hope you're not serious," he told me. "Are you doing this because you think it's the only way I'll like you? Do you really think that low of me? Am I just a dick rocket in your eyes? What is it, Jasmine, please tell me." He started to raise his voice and I felt bad. My eyes started tearing up and it was almost uncontrollable. I didn't want to seem like a baby but I'd never imagine hurting him or making him feel like anything other than the person he truly is. 

"Please just get in the car and when we get home I'll explain." He scoffed and opened the door, getting into the Impala with such attitude. "I promi-" He slammed the door before I could finish my sentence. I felt bad, and I might've been able to do it differently, but that's all I could think of then and there. I'm not good under pressure, especially when this is a do or die moment.

We pulled up to the house and he turned off the car, turning to me with an expression I can't even describe, waiting for an adequate answer from me. "I wasn't serious," I started.

"Then why?"

"Dre and Suge were there. Right in front of us. I had to get us away from there before you saw them or they saw us or else it would be trouble."

"So," he paused for a mere ten seconds before responding. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" I asked. "You did nothing wrong."

"I overreacted over something I could've just waited for. I treated you like shit and you were just looking out for me. So again, I become the asshole."

"No, it's not even like that, Eric. I'm not mad at you. I also know that you don't just hang around me for pussy, nor would I give it up if that was the case," I assured him with a smile.

"I know, Jaz, you're different." I leaned over and rested my head on his shoulder.

"Just please promise me if I'm ever not around, you won't fight with Suge or Dre. They're dangerous. And don't work with them either. It compromises you just as much, if not more."

"Jasmine," he blurted sternly, "What do you know that I don't?"

"I can't tell you. But time will."

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