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He drove me around, showing me the neighborhood, best places to eat, and explaining the rules and regulations to me. When I got back, me and Paris helped unload the moving truck and got all of our belongings inside. That began our long evening of organizing and rearranging, then arguing about where to put things only to agree on someplace completely different. Typical sisters.

I got such good sleep that night. In the morning I realized I had slept just short of thirteen hours, my body must've known I'd need the rest for today.

At one in the afternoon, Paris had gone off to work already so I got dressed, did my hair, and then walked over to Brandon's.

"You ready?" he asked as he shined the rims of the Impala.

"Do you wash this car every day?"

"Is that even a question?" He chuckled. "I do."

"Good. And.. I don't know if I'm ready. I want to go back but.. it's so important and I don't know if I'll be able to stop him from going."

He turned to me and his smile disappeared. "I don't care if you have to do something crazy. I don't care if you have to make something up. Do whatever. WHATEVER. You have to do to get him to stay. Please."

I was silent, just looking at him. "It's okay if you're not ready today," he continued.

"I'll go," I said quickly. "I'm not ready but I'll do it. Right now."

"Hop in."

I took a deep breath before quickly getting into the car, gripping the steering wheel, and imagining the last scenery, scent, and emotions I felt when I was in the past.

I shut my eyes. Took a deep breath in, and let it out.

When I opened my eyes, it was morning. I was sitting up in my bed, and the sunlight was almost blinding. Before I could really gather myself, there was a knock on the door.

I hurried out of bed and walked to the front door. I opened it and Eric burst in. The time on my watch read 2:54 pm.

"What's wrong?" I asked, trying to keep calm even though I was surprised.

"Yo," he started. He took a deep breath then plopped on the couch. I was still in my tank top and shorts, so the breeze from outside was chilly on my arms and legs. "Suge and Dre want me to go to Death Row later. I know why.. but Suge is nasty."

I gasped. This was happening quicker than I thought. "Why does he want you to come?"

"Probably to sign Dre over so he can make money off his songs instead of me. It's always about money."

"Eric," I said quietly. "Please don't go."

He looked at me. "Why? You think he gon' kill me."

"No, but he can do worse. I really just don't want you getting hurt. So please, don't go. Not tonight."

"Is there something- do you work with him?" he asked.

"No, hell no, I would never," I told him as I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Then do you know something I don't?"

"I know of him hurting people. Whether they're famous or not, if you're any kind of threat to him he will make your life hell or he'll find a way to kill you. He once talked about.. injecting someone with the HIV/AIDS virus."

"Fags get that."

"It is more common for homosexual males to contract HIV BUT.. it can still be contracted through blood and heterosexual sex. Also a pregnant mother can pass it to her child if she has the virus."

"Well.. you're a med student, about to be a nurse or a doctor or whatever.. so you know your stuff."

"Eric.. please stay here tonight."

He sighed. "You really looking out for me."

"Of course I am.. I don't want anything bad to happen to you. I care about you."

He just looked at me. "For real?"

"For real."

"I appreciate it."

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