94 3 4

"Where's the GPS taking us? We passed South Muriel Avenue almost a half a mile ago, but it didn't say to turn," I said to my older sister.

"Just make a U-turn, or maybe ask for directions," she replied.

I made a U-turn and parked on the opposite side of Alondra Blvd. A group of guys were standing on the corner so I got out the car and walked over to them.

"Lil' mama brave for steppin' to us," one of them said. He was wearing a blue and white t-shirt, crisp blue jeans, and blue and white Nike Cortez's. On his head, he had a light blue hat that said Crenshaw in yellow writing.

"I just need directions," I told him. "And then I'll be on my way."

"Where you need to get to?"

"Um.. 16713 South Muriel Avenue. By Eazy-E's old house."

"What you goin' there for?"

I didn't know I agreed to an interview. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Why you wanna know?"

"Cause I can," he said with a smirk. "And you want directions, right? So answer my questions."

"Whatever. I'm moving there. With my sister, Paris," I told him, pointing back to the car.

"You? Movin' to Compton?"

"I have family out here."

"Ohh, I gotchu'. Yo, I got a friend that lives right across from there. I'll give you directions in exchange for a ride. What you say?"

"Hop in."

He dapped up the other guys that were standing around and got in the back seat of my Honda Accord. I got back in the driver's seat.

"Aight, go straight three blocks and make a left on South Muriel."

"That's where I was gonna turn at first but the GPS said to keep goin' straight."

"Yeah, you gotta learn the southeast side on ya own. GPS bugs out here. All of Kelly Park zone."

"Oh, okay."

I put the car in drive and followed his directions. When I made the left, he spoke again.

"Aight, you see that greyish-blue house on the left? Your place is right next to that, but 'chu know what it is."

"Yeah, thanks," I said as I pulled into the driveway.

"Thanks for the ride, lil' mama. I'll see you again," he said as he got out.

He walked across the street to his friend's house. Me and Paris got out the car. He turned around and called from the porch.

"Ayo!" I turned around. "What's yo name?"

"Jasmine," I called back.

"I'm Day-Day."

He walked inside. Paris popped the trunk and started grabbing our suitcases. I grabbed the rest and walked to the door to unlock it.

I put the suitcase in the living room and walked back outside to shut the trunk. The neighbor was in his driveway drying his freshly washed car. It was a light green minty colored 1964 Chevrolet Impala.

I walked over and got the neighbor's attention.

"Hi," I held out my hand. "I'm Jasmine. Me and my sister just moved next door."

"Welcome to the neighborhood," he said, shaking my hand. "I'm Brandon. Nice to meet you."

"You, too. I love your car."

"Thanks. The car means a lot to me."

"It reminds me of Eazy-E's car. His 'cruisin down the street in my 64'. What does it mean to you?"

"Same thing. Eric was my dad's friend and it really hurt when he passed even though I was pretty young. I was only twelve when he died. I decided to get this so it's like he's always with me."

"That's amazing. I'm a huge fan of him, but I never got to meet him. I wasn't even born when he died, so, I would have never had the chance."

"You wanna sit in the car for a second?" he asked.

"Of course," I answered.

He opened the driver's side door and I got in and shut it. I put my hands on the wheel and squeezed. I imagined N.W.A. blasting in the speakers and air blowing in the windows. I closed my eyes, placing myself in the setting.

"Be careful," he said.

My eyes popped open as his voice startled me. I looked around and I was parked on the street in front of my house.

"How the heck did I get here? I was just in that driveway," I said to myself.

In my neighbor's driveway was an older mustang. A 1987 I think. I didn't see my Accord anywhere.

I reached for my cell phone but it wasn't in my pocket. I checked on the seat and the floor, but to no avail. I was in a new place with no phone and I was very confused. I took the key out of the ignition and got out the car.

Frustrated, I walked in my house to ask Paris what was going on.

"Paris," I called. "Where's my car?"

No answer.

"Paris Greene!"

No answer.

I walked throughout the house searching for her. When I realized she was nowhere to be found, I walked back out to the living room and got the landline phone out of one of my suitcases. I plugged it in and dialed my sister's number.

It rang a few times and then I got an answer.

"Hello?" she said.

"Paris. Where are you?"

"Um, this is Marie, Paris is my one year old daughter. Who is this calling?"

"Mom? What's going on?"

"I don't appreciate you prank calling me. Please don't call back."

She hung up, and I became more confused than ever. My cell phone, car, and sister were gone.

Wait. She said 'one year old daughter'. My sister was born in 1993, making her one in 1994. What year is it?

The movers still didn't arrive yet so I had no TV or furniture or anything. I walked outside and to my neighbor's to make sure I wasn't crazy.

Obviously Brandon wasn't at his house or at least nowhere to be seen so I walked to the house on my right.

"I know I'm not crazy. It's 2019. How could it possibly be 1994? You're buggin'," I said to myself.

I knocked on the door and waited for an answer. Thirty seconds passed and I knocked again. Just as I was turning to walk away, the door opened and I turned back around.

"What's up?" the person asked.

I couldn't believe my eyes. Either I'm high, or Eric Wright was standing right in front of me - alive.

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