Leorio x Male! Reader

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SPOILERS: Implied Nen Abilities.

Requested by BroccoliJones

//Bruh, I forgot.

An × Astute × Appraisal

Earning money was hard.

You'd been walking with Leorio in the market all day, assessing the wares and trying to guess wether things were actually worth much. The fact that neither of you could use Nen certainly didn't help matters.
Even after getting some advice from Zepile, a man who knew his way around this type of thing, the two of you had fared remarkably poorly.

"Leoriooooo, do we really need to look nonstop? I think I'm gonna collaaapse!" You groaned, placing the back of your hand against your forehead dramatically.
"I bet if I took your temperature you'd be fine." He muttered, gaze slowly roaming across the expanse of clay pots in front of him.

"Oh? I thought you said I was hot just earlier though?" You teased, tilting your head slightly.
His eyes widened slightly and he whipped his head around to face you. "I-I did not! I was just talking about the weather with Zepile."
"Ah, yes." You said sardonically, mouth curling in a grin. "The sky really does have pretty eyes, doesn't it?"

His face reddened further as he realised he'd been caught out. He crossed his arms, the task at hand forgotten in favour of defending himself. "Well, it's not like it's odd that I was talking about it, you know. I want to show off my incredibly sexy boyfriend every once in a while."

His words were spoken in a very clear, straightforward tone that left no room for debate. At the sound of how serious he was about his statement, you stifled a laugh.

"Hey, it's not funny!" He shouted, and you shook your head lightly.
"It's not that. It's just..." You grinned up at him, taking a slight step toward him. "You're so cute when you're serious."
"Hey, what's that supposed to mean? I'm a man you know..." He grumbled. Of course, he didn't mind one bit. He minded even less when you laced your fingers with his, smiling slightly as you swung your joined hands between the two of you.

"Can we at least sit and eat somewhere? There's bound to be some shade somewhere, and I'm starving." You said. He hummed softly, squinting even with his glasses on as he looked around for a decent food vendor.
He grinned as he spotted one, tugging you over to it and poring the menu for a bit. Once you'd ordered and gotten your food, the two of you sat beneath the shade of a tree in a public garden.

The foods you ate came with a sauce, and Leorio ended up getting absolutely dirty. As a result, you returned to the room you'd been staying in, and he hopped into the shower.
"Hey, I'm gonna take these clothes to the drycleaners next door, kay?" You called, receiving a muffled 'yeah' from the bathroom.

You spent a bit of time reading a magazine while in the drycleaners, deciding to wait until they were finished before returning. Surprisingly, the worker was able to get it all cleaned up in less than thirty minutes. It seemed like your luck was turning around.

You walked into the room without knocking- which was a mistake.


The intruder noticed you immediately, taking a step back with wide eyes. "Who's there?!"

You blinked, wondering if you'd heard right. He sounded awfully familiar, but you couldn't put your finger on it. There was no way this guy couldn't see you... Unless he was nearsighted? You tried to steady your voice as you spoke up. "Sir, I think you're in the wrong room."

He was shirtless, although thankfully he had pants on. At the sound of your voice, his eyes widened slightly before he sighed in relief. "Oh, it's just you. I thought I put my glasses on the bathroom counter, but I couldn't find them when I got out. How did things go at the drycleaners?"

You were silent for a moment, the gears in your head ticking rapidly.

There was no way.
No way in Hell!
This guy is couldn't be...

You'd seen Leorio shirtless before a couple times, and you'd seen him without his glasses on about as many times, but never both at the same time. He hardly looked like the same guy.
You quickly rushed to find his glasses, the fact that he was so gorgeous like that spurring you on. This was way too dangerous; your heart couldn't take this sudden rush of cuteness.

As soon as you found them, tucked away in the far corner of the bathroom counter no less, you slid them onto his face.
"Hey, why are you so red? There's no way you're still hot." Leorio frowned, furrowing his eyebrows. He leaned in to feel your forehead, eyes widening slightly. "Woah, you're burning up!"

"I-I'm fine!" You said quickly, running into the bathroom and slamming the door behind you.

After a shower, you had cooled down a bit. Damn,you needed a picture of Leorio like that. No way in Hell would anyone believe that dork could actually be sexy without proof. He was sitting at the little table in the corner, poring over your finances.
He was fully clothed, and when he glanced back at you, you could see his glasses resting on the bridge of his nose, right where they belonged.

"So, how did we do today?" You asked, walking up to him and wrapping your arms around him from behind. He hummed and gestured to the papers, beginning to ramble about profits and deficits and stuff you only half understood.
He shut up quickly as you leaned in and kissed his cheek, his face turning dark red as he glanced over at you, smiling shyly.

You smiled back down at him and he raised a hand to hold yours. 'Yeah. This is my perfect, awkward nerd.'

//980 words!
//I am SO sorry for the delay! I hope this was good enough!

Hunter X Hunter Male Reader InsertsWhere stories live. Discover now