Because I Can

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Have you ever asked yourself or been asked by someone else why you do certain things?

I find myself asking or getting asked this question plenty and I used to get plagued by the "why"s. But then I realized... Do I really NEED a certain reason?

Why can't I just write for the sake of fun? Why can't I have an obsession with TMNT because they help to brighten my day? Why can't I post randomness on the slim chance the things I find funny may make others laugh? Or that some things I find meaningful may inspire another? Why can't I get attached to people, whether or not they plan on staying in my life?

But when people (and my anxiety) do need a reason, then here's all I got for them.

I do it because I can

It's as simple as that.

I have the ability to brighten my world and possibly others while doing what fills me with joy at that moment, and so I do.

What better reason can there be?

Because I CanHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin