Au revoir AVM

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Ishqi's new abode was much bigger and better than the previous one, in terms of space and the scenic surroundings. But her mind and heart weren't at peace. That she couldn't bid adieu to AVM was pinching her like hell, more so as she didn't know when she'll see him next.

Suddenly her phone rang. It was from an unknown international number. With frowns on her forehead, she took the call. It was from the Dubai-based company where she had applied for a job in the HR department two weeks ago and then had forgotten all about it.

10 minutes later

She was dazed. Was it really happening, finally? Her dream job with dream perks awaited her in the faraway land of Dubai and her joining date was in a week's time. She had already said yes to it. All she now needed was to complete the formalities online, and get the flight tickets printed, which the company promised to send her way once she signs the contract and the NDA (non-disclosure agreement).

So much was happening so fast in her life. She was happy but why was she feeling sad too? Why was she thinking of that man who has stood beside her, through all the crests and troughs of life, without asking for anything in return? Why this stabbing pain in her heart when her mind was continuously telling her all's well, in true Aamir Khan style?

To hell with my love list! And to hell with all the ticks! I must concentrate on what's important – my career.

A week later

Watching Mumbai fade away slowly as the airplane rose high in the sky made her sigh. Finally, she was pursuing her career goals that she had yearned for so long. Maasi was with her and she felt happy to begin this new chapter of her life in Dubai. She had even done an online English crash course the last week to bring her English up to par, somewhat, to ensure she doesn't end up embarrassing herself in the foreign land.

Thankfully, Sonu's marriage went without a hitch, just as uncle had promised. But the misunderstandings Mayank's arrest created between her and AVM were nowhere close to being sorted. And this despite Kartik's intervention, though she stopped him from telling the whole truth because then wasn't the right time to pile it up on AVM. But did he really think she was to blame? Why can't he trust her? It hurt....and pretty badly at that!

Au revoir AVM. Au revoir Mumbai, she said silently.

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