Tnt duo/quackbur (fluff)

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(I'm sleep deprived as fuck but I'll see what I can make in like a couple minutes)
(Non lore related)
Context: Wilbur thinks quackity has soft skin
"Will did you turn the heater on? I'm freezing my ass off in this temperature." Quackity grumbled.
It was below 50 degrees outside, Wilbur and Quackity both agreed to stay indoors for the day to avoid getting sick and cold.

"Yeah I did, but I'll turn it all the way up if that'll make you happy." Wilbur grinned. "God please do I'll need all the warmth I could get to survive today." Quackity was curled up in a ball on the couch, with a couple of blankets over his shoulders.

Wilbur turned the heater up to the max, and walked over to where Quackity was sitting. "It would be a miracle if we both do, now scoot over." Wilbur shoved Quackity a little until he was huddled up next to him with the other half of the blanket over himself.

Everything was still, it seemed like time stopped for a few minutes. Both of them took a moment of silence, only hearing each others slow breathing, and the mechanics of the heater. Quackity softly put his hand over Wilbur's, he hummed quietly.

"Your hands are warm" Quackity whispered. Wilbur opened his closed eyes and looked at Quackity, he lifted his hands up to his face and cupped it. " well your skin is soft." Wilbur murmured, Quackity's face heated and he couldn't tell if it was the warmth displayed on Wilburs hands or if it was because of his stupid statement.

They both stared at each other with tired eyes while Wilbur massaged Quackity's cheeks. Quackity struggling to keep his eyes open, " you always say something dumb that you know will get me going, you know that?" He remarked whilst squishing his whole body to Wilburs chest.

Wilbur looked down at the smallers head and smiled in admiration, " yeah, I know" he sighed as he kissed his head. Both mens vision and thoughts turning black, nothing else except they're body warmth and the blankets to pull them together as they drifted off to sleep.

it wouldn't be a oneshot book without the classic cuddling story.
I'm sorry not sorry it's short (told you) Anyways I'm going to sleep now and probably won't remember this in the morning so GOOD NIGHT
Words: 403

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