Beeduo/fluff and angst

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This was a request

(Lore related)

No content warning just a really dope broship 😎

And sadness at one point-

Context: your boys are just hanging out


The weather on the smp has been a bit rough lately, nothing but rainy days and strong winds. But those days were specifically tubbo's favorite. He checked his beat up locator, must be because of all the tossing and throwing he's been doing during the past wars, as suspected it was going to be a rainy day that evening.

He smiled softly and mumbled a small "yay", it became a routine where when it began to rain he took his rain coat, and audio recorder, then rushed outside to walk on the prime path. He occasionally took Michael with him too when Michael wasn't completely asleep that evening, but today was not one of those days.

He gave Michael a kiss on the forehead quietly leaving the room as to not wake him up and left the house. It was a long walk considering he was living in snowchester but it was worth it to see the rainbow at sundown when the sky finally cleared. While tubbo was walking through the pine forest he heard some noises that sounded of someone distressed, he searched a bit for the cause of the noise until he ran into someone.

It was ranboo, he was clearly not enjoying the rain too much because it hurt him, "shoot, I forgot water hurts you!" Tubbo worryingly browsed his inventory, he gave ranboo his set of netherite armor. "Thanks, I forgot my armor at home  because I didn't think it would rain today." Ranboo admitted.

"Well that's why you should always check the weather, you don't have a locator for nothing."

"Yeah I guess your right-"

They both walked in the rainy silence until ranboo finally spoke up.

"So where are we headed?"

"Well I'm headed to the prime path, but if you want you could tag along as well."

"Oh. Well uh sure I was just finished helping Wilbur restock some patties because he left the other packs sitting out."

"Ha, imagine not taking care of your burger restaurant."

"Pft shut up it was probably an accident."

"Yeah yeah, whatever will get your burger cooking."

"Wha- what does that even mean-" they both joked and laughed at each other having the most fun they've had in a while.

The rain started getting a tad stronger.
when they finally reached the prime path, ranboo getting anxious because he thought he'd get hurt. But tubbo put his hand out and smiled at ranboo, ranboo put his hand in his and smiled back " you have nothing to worry about big man, the rain won't hurt you while you have armor on." Ranboo thought about something for a second, " do you- do you do this often?"

"Well, on rainy days I go up to the prime path and commentate on how I'm doing on my audio recorder until the sky gets clearer, it's sort of my own therapy. And on windy days I sit in a field and make some new nuke designs til eventually quackity needs me in las Nevadas."

" jeez you have a really stable routine huh?"

"I mean maybe I do but I feel weary sometimes when I have nobody to talk to, taking time to yourself is nice and all but it makes me feel sad when I do it too much by myself just embracing past events all over again, I just feel unsafe. That's probably why I take Michael with me sometimes."

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