Dark inside

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Magnus had not yet returned from Alec's room. The apartment had become a graveyard; no movement, no noise, no energy. JC was seated on one of the counters, polishing his seraph blade with a towel. I was leaning against the back of the couch with my arms crossed, as if that could fend off the awkward silence between us. My eyes were glued to the end of the hall, waiting for the warlock to reappear. With any luck, Alec would be in tow behind him.

"You can leave, you know."

I glanced over at JC, who hadn't lifted his eyes from his work. "Excuse me?"

"Your services will no longer be required. Go home, Jace."

I bristled. "I'm not leaving until I know Alec is okay."

"He's not yours to check up on."

"I'm not leaving," I said firmly.

JC paused and his dark eyes slowly drifted up to my face, blazing. "What did you say?"

I straightened and dropped my hands down to my sides, clenching them into fists. "I said no."

JC hopped down from the counter and set his weapon aside. He crossed the floor in four long strides and pushed himself into my personal space. Using his slightly taller height to his advantage, he glowered down at me and held his face mere inches away from mine. Though his close proximity made me slightly uncomfortable, he did not evoke any intimidation.

"Get out of my house," he hissed.

"It's not your house to kick me out of," I pointed out, my tone icy. "I'll leave when Alec or Magnus tells me to."

"Why are you so desperate to stay?" JC queried, disgusted.

"Why are you so desperate to make me leave?" I shot back.

JC snatched a fistful of my shirt and yanked me even closer towards him. "I will not ask you again--"


JC twisted his head around but did not loosen his grip. Magnus was standing nearby, his cat eyes narrowed behind his glasses. One hand was tucked casually inside his jacket pocket, the other was down at his side, palm facing us and blue sparks flashing against his skin.

"Is there a problem?"

"No," JC answered, annoyed by Magnus's interruption.

He released me and smoothed out my shirt, thumping me harder than necessary on the chest when he was finished. When his back was turned, it was all I could do not to throw my fist into his kidney. I bit my tongue and inhaled deeply through my nose, suffocating my anger with a breath of composure.

"How's Alec?" I asked.

"Nothing a little sleep won't fix. You," he pointed at JC, "you're coming with me."

"Where are we going? Detention?"

Magnus cocked his head, considering it. "In a way, I suppose. We're going to finish off those vampire carcasses you left behind. A little labor should teach you not to manhandle our guests."

"Fine," JC growled. "Get rid of him and we'll go."

"Actually," Magnus's gaze shifted back to me, "I'd like you to stay here. Keep a close eye on Alec, would you?"

"Unbelievable," JC spat under his breath. "Alec brings home a stray and now you want to adopt him."

"Do you have a problem with that, Jonathan Christopher?" Magnus challenged.

"I have a problem with you leaving this mutt here alone with my vulnerable friend."

"Jace," Magnus said, eyes still locked on JC, "do you promise not to kill Alec while we're gone?"

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