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We'd ended up taking a cab to our next location, but JC instructed the driver to pull over a few blocks away so we could scout the perimeter. The three of us stood rooted in place until the taxi sped off around a corner and disappeared. JC tucked the remaining cash in his hand into his pocket as he glanced around, eyes narrowed.

I was too busy keeping an eye on Alec to even acknowledge our surroundings. The Shadowhunter had barely spoken during the cab ride. He'd been clutching at his side occasionally, often flinching when his fingers touched his abdomen. It was apparent that he did not want to draw attention to himself, but the downplaying of his injuries did not fool me.

Now that we were out of the cab, however, Alec appeared to be in perfect shape. His back was straight as he stood tall, and he twisted easily, stretching. Not an ounce of pain was visible in his calm expression.

I stepped up to Alec's side, leaned in towards his ear and whispered, "Are you all right?"

My eyes traced the scratches covering Alec's cheek as he turned to me.

"What are you talking about?" he asked.

"You got hit by a car."

"I got bumped by a car."

I ground my teeth together. "Alec."

"I'm fine, Jace," Alec insisted.

"Look, maybe we should go back to the apartment. We'll get Magnus to check you out and then we'll come right back."

JC retraced the steps he had taken away from us and piped up, "Why do we need to go back to the apartment?"

"Jace thinks we should regroup with Magnus," Alec answered before I could.

"This is just my opinion, but I'd rather waste this guy here and now. If we go back to the apartment, we risk losing him again." JC's eyes fell on Alec's scratches. "What happened to you?"

"I fell."

JC cocked an eyebrow. "You fell?"

"Running through the construction site." Alec was careful to avoid looking at me. "One of the workers made a grab for me. I took care of it."

JC's eyes narrowed again, though more from concern than from suspicion. He gave a nod and turned his back to us, gazing down the street. Alec snuck a sideways glance at me and I gave him my best WTF? look. He simply shook his head.

On JC's suggestion, we began making our way down the street. There were no mundanes in this area, nor were any Downworlders in sight. The familiar tingle crept up my neck as we proceeded down the next block. Alec checked the address in his phone again and pointed out the building. The structure's walls were marred by vulgar graffiti, and the few windows that had not been boarded up, namely on the upper level, had been smashed. It looked like it could have been an institution at one point. I shivered.

We treaded up the three steps to the front entrance, glancing down at the rusted length of chains that once locked the doors. JC unsheathed his seraph blade and reached for the door handle. Alec had his own blade in his hand, blue eyes wide. My fingers tightened around the hilt of my seraph blade, my sweaty palm slipping against the cold weapon.

JC pulled the door open, wincing when it made a loud squeal of protest. We froze, staring into the shadows that swarmed the inside of the building. We each reached into our weapons belts and took out our witchlights. JC held his up and took a step into the building, scouting for enemies. When no one greeted us, Alec and I followed suit. Reluctantly, I pulled the door closed firmly behind me.

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