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My eyes skimmed over the photographs fanned in my hand for the hundredth time. I imagined giant red Xs, drawn in blood, crossing out Alec's face and my own. Had the intrusion played out differently, the warlock would have crossed us off his list and set out to kill JC.

The photos crinkled as I curled my fingers. The three of us were skilled Shadowhunters; yet, somehow, we'd been stalked without knowing it. I'd worked alone for most of my life; my senses were attuned to detecting enemies on my trail. How had all three of us unknowingly fallen under our enemy's watchful eyes? And how long had we been spied on?

The mental checklist flashed inside my head again. I'd locked the door and made sure all the windows in my apartment were tightly sealed and locked as well. I still had no idea who - or what - we were dealing with, and I reckoned something as feeble as a lock would stand in the way of this foe, but those barriers gave me some reassurance.

Alec groaned and shifted on the bed, switching off my thoughts and drawing all my attention to him. I straightened my posture and watched him from my spot on the floor. He moaned and slowly sat up, his hand rubbing gingerly at the back of his head. He blinked and looked around, confused until he spotted me.

"Jace?" His voice was hoarse. "What happened?"

I stayed silent, giving him a minute to collect his memories. Alec's blue eyes wandered my small bedroom. When he turned back to me, he cocked his head to the side.

"Did you get me drunk?"

I grinned and leaned my head back against the wall. "You'd like that, wouldn't you? Me getting you drunk and bringing you back to my bed."

Alec smirked and reclined to prop himself up on his elbow. "I wouldn't complain."

"Long story short, there's one dead guy in my bathtub and another dead guy in the entryway."

Alec's eyebrows lifted, impressed. "Must have been one hell of a party."

"You're telling me." I extended the photographs towards him. "Found these on our warlock friend."

He took them and looked at each one intensely, his jaw tightening. Again, I waited patiently for him to say something. Finally he sat up and dropped the pictures in his lap.

"There isn't a picture of Magnus," he said.

I couldn't tell by his tone if he was relieved or suspicious. I shook my head and replied, "Not that I could find."

Alec nodded. "Just you, me and JC."

"So what do we do?"

Alec looked down at me, his eyebrows knitted together.

"Should we lay low for a while?" I asked. "Regroup at your apartment, come up with a plan?"

"I have a plan," Alec grunted, swinging his legs over the edge of the bed. "Kill the son of a bitch before he kills us."


Alec and I stood in silence as the elevator flew upwards with a quiet hum. The two of us hadn't exchanged many words after we'd left my apartment. We'd travelled to Magnus's briskly and well-armed. Nothing had happened on the way over, but we'd constantly glanced back over our shoulders until we had safely set foot inside the building.

"Jace," Alec said suddenly.

I turned to look at my friend, slightly alarmed by the urgency in his voice.

Eyes still on the elevator door, he continued, "Don't tell Magnus what happened to me. If he finds out I got hurt he'll never let me leave the apartment again."

Predator in disguiseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें