Chapter 2: How it all started

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Thomas' PoV:

I have been back about 10 days and I can not sleep. The last time I slept was when... when Newt was here. He died in my arms. Every time I try to sleep all I see is him. I have to start my junior year of High School today. Yes I am 17, I am an older kid in my grade.

I look over to my clock and see that it is 6:30 A.M. All I have been doing is...Well I went on a run and came back. I decide to go take a shower. I strip of my clothes and get in. Thee water is lukewarm and I just let it run down my body. I look down at all of the scars on my chest. I trace over them with my hand. Until I get to the one above my heart...Newt.

I stop thinking and properly wash myself and get out and dry off. I wrap the towel around my waist and look in the mirror as I brush my teeth. I don't see a 17 year old Stiles. I see aa 27 year old Thomas. I hate being called Stiles when I have been called Thomas for 10 years.

I decide to go get dressed. I put on a light blue shirt with some gray cargo pants and some boots. Almost the same outfit I wore in the Glade. I didn't do my hair like I guess I use to do it. I just leave it down. I have decided to walk to school and since it is raining it won't even matter. Non of the pack know I am back. I go downstairs to see my dad is up making breakfast.

"Hey, want some food before school?" My father asks me.

"Sorry I am not hungry. Gotta get to school." I tell him and I walk out the front door. I walk a bit away and I start to run to school. No Backpack since I know all of what they will teach us. As I run I remember when Minho and I use to run the maze. As I get to the school I see that aa group of kids are outside before the classes start. I see them looking at me and they motion me over to them.

"Hey, what's your name?" One of them ask me.

"Thomas." I tell them.

"Well, Thomas, I am Seb, ever have Mal?" Seb asks me.

"Um, no. What is it?" I ask him.

"Well, It's a drug, highly addictive and makes the pain and depression all go away." A girl tells me. "I'm Rosie by the way" She tells me.

"Well, Can I have some?" I ask them.

"Sure." Rosie says fishing through her bag. "Here is an extra container I have. Take one now."

I take The container. I looks like a normal pill container. I open It and see they are circular pills, orange to be exact. I get one and put it in my mouth. "How long till It works" I ask them.

"just 10 minutes. Since it is your first get to your first period so it doesn't mess with you too much. Oh and I am Mikey." Another girl states. "And that is Jason." She says pointing to the dude.

"Oh and Thomas, Find us at Lunch." Seb says as I walk away to my first class. I could already feel the effects. I get to my first class which is Economics with Coach. I walk in and see that he is sitting at his desk. He looks up and is surprised that it is me.

"S-Stilinski! Welcome back, get into your chair." He tells me. I just nod my head and go to the desk in the far left corner. I sit down and lay my head and arms on the desk. I start to feel The pain of everything that happened from WCKD somewhat go away. I could only remember the good times with Newt, with the survivors. Non of the pain, torture, death. Non of it. The bell rings for everyone get to class. Everyone starts to file in.

"Still can't believe he left." I hear Scott's voice.

"Scott..." I hear Lydia's voice. "Stiles? Stiles is that you?" Lydia asks me as she walks over to me.

"Hey, Lyds" I laugh. I see Rosie walk into class and she sits in-front of me as we smile at each other. Lydia sees this and sits besides me as Coach starts class.

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