The group

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BreAysia pov

"UNCLE DARYL!" "BREAYSIA" I ran up to him and hugged him "I've missed you so much I knew you weren't dead I said I wouldn't stop looking for you" I said he smiled "I've missed you to" he said he looked over my shoulder at Hailey and Ryleigh and walked over to them "Well if it isn't Hailey and Ryleigh how you guys been" he said while hugging him "Well besides the apocalypse worrying about dying or not other than that great" Ryleigh said "thats good hey I want you guys to meet the people in the group", he said.

we walked into the prison and into a cafeteria where many people sat "Guys this is my niece BreAysia Dixon and her best friends Hailey Stark and Ryleigh Fuller and girls the is the group thats Rick,Judith,Glenn,Maggie,beth,Ed,Carol,Michonne,Tyreese,Hershel,T dog, and thats Ricks son Carl". I thought Carl was cute his dark brown hair and his blue eye no stop bre don't think like that, but wow he is cute "Hi BreAysia" he said "hi Carl"

sorry for the short chapter disclaimer Hailey and Ryleigh are real people and are actually my best friends in real life

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