I told you not to get killed

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BreAysia's pov

Me and the group found a Wal-Mart barely touched Glenn banged on the door to attract any walkers Inside, none came we walked inside "Glenn,Maggie you can look for any medical supplies, T dog,Tyreese,Michonne you guys can look for extra clothes stuff like books anything needed and the rest of us can look for food ok lets split up", Rick said me,uncle Daryl and rick made our way to the food.

After we got all the food we could get I walked around "Hey uncle Daryl can I get something for me?" I asked "sure just don't get hurt ok" he said. I made my way over to the school aisle and grabbed a black backpack the had slits in it I also got a leather journal and pens. I turned the corner to see a lot of books I've always loved reading I ended up grabbing like ten books just as I was going to catch up with the group  I heard something break I walked into the storage area to see what broke it was the support beem that was holding up two pieces of construction wood "Man I hope they fall that doesn't look good" I said to myself  while examining the support beem I went under it to get a better look I wish I hadn't the support beem broke and fell on me the pain was unbearable I screamed in pain my sight was getting blurry then I slipped into total darkness.
"BreAysia look at you my beautiful strong young lady" I turned around "mom am I dying?", she laughed a little "no your not dying your going to wake up soon now remember this those people are you family and they love you and I love you now it's time for you to wake up", "but mom", "wake up,"

"she's waking up come stay with me were almost at the prison" I heard Daryl said "it hurts" I mumbled " I know Bre but you got to stay awake" he said "come on we're here" Daryl picked me up bridal style and ran to the prison yard and set me on the grass I heard tons of voices like "Beth get Hershel" "Bre! what happened to her" "her eyes are closing save her!" I also heard a voice that I wanted to hear Carl, "dang it BreAysia I told you not to get killed I can't lose you!" he yelled I took a last look at his face I smiled "I'm not dead yet" I said then I slipped back into darkness.

Yay finally a non short chapter whoot whoot

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