ch. 5

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**Harry's POV**

The concert was starting in twenty minutes, and Niall still wasn't here yet. I glanced at Liam's phone for the millionth time, willing it to light up. But its black screen just stared up at me, mocking me from its perch on the table in our dressing room. Zayn and Liam were goofing off, but I couldn't bring myself to join them. I was much too nervous. Had he changed his mind about coming?

"Relax, Haz. It'll be fine! I'm sure he'll be here soon. He's probably just as nervous as you and is therefore hesitating before letting us know he's here." Liam tried to comfort me.

"Why would he be nervous?" He isn't trying to make the one person he loves more than anything in the world, the person he idiotically dumped, fall in love with him again."

Zayn and Liam looked at each other and sighed. Zayn put his hand on my shoulder. "Relax, dude. It's going to be fine."

I nodded but continue to panic. I was so nervous I was ready to scream. I was about to rip my hair out with my own hands. I couldn't believe this was happening. I couldn't believe I was about to see Niall again. Niall, my perfect little leprechaun. I couldn't believe it.

I heard Liam's phone vibrate and I swept it off the table, doing a weird little dance when I finished reading it.

"He's here, he came, oh my god, he's actually here!" I squealed, letting my inner girl out.

Zayn laughed loudly at me. "You're gay is showing."

Liam stole his phone from me and responded to Niall. "I'm going to go get them, I'll be right back. Don't break anything while I'm gone."

As soon as Liam disappeared I started pacing back and forth, suddenly nervous again. I was ready for this, I couldn't be. How could I have fooled myself into thinking that I was? Logically, I knew I was freaking out over nothing. I just really didn't care at the moment. I love Niall, but how can I prove it to him?

"Harry, can you come with me for some final touches?" Holly, our makeup artist, asked me and I agreed. Zayn saluted me as I left the room.

"So, why are you panicking?" Holly asked while fixing up my hair and makeup.

"My ex is coming to the show tonight." I said, my voice sounded both happy and nervous to my ears.

"Oh, is he? Tell me about him!" Holly squealed.

"He's perfect." I gushed. "He's funny and carefree and he eats like it's his job. I don't know how he eats so much and stays so skinny! Back when we all lived in the same town, Zayn, Liam, and I would tease him for it all the time. The four of us were the best friends. Well, Niall and I were more than friends, but we were friends too. Anyway, he's smart and he laughs really easily. His laugh's contagious, it's the best sound in the world. He blushes easily and he's really pale. He doesn't tan easily, but he does burn. It's because he's Irish. We call him Leprechaun, because he's also really short. He has dark brown hair, but I heard that he died it blonde recently. I'm not sure what he looks like blonde but I'm sure he'll look perfect. He always does. Like, his eyes are the most gorgeous blue! They are the perfect shade, just incredible. He can sing too! He's amazing, we tried to get him to join the band but he wasn't interested. I wish he had been. Maybe then we would still be together."

Holly looked at me oddly. "Who dumped who?"

I flinched a bit at her words. "I broke up with him."

"But if you're so in love win him, why'd you break up?"

"Because I was stupid. I never should have dumped him. I was just scared that he'd find someone else while I was away trying to become famous. I was afraid he'd find someone as perfect as he is."

"You broke up with him so he wouldn't fall for someone else?" Holly sounded a bit incredulous.

"I didn't want to get my heart broken, but broke both our hearts in doing so."

"And now you want him back."

"More than anything."

Holly was quiet for a while as she thought about this. "I think you can get him back. Just don't seduce him right away. Give him time to get used to your being in his life again. Find out how he's changed over the time you've been gone an become friends. Let him get comfortable with you before you take it a bit farther. Start out small and get him to fall in love with you for your sweetness and kindness. Get him to notice all the little things he loved about you and more. Don't go too far, unless he makes the first move."

I thought about what Holly said an smiled. She was right. I knew Niall inside and out, so I knew what mattered to him. I could use that, I knew why he liked me before. I could use that to my advantage. Besides, he'd be more comfortable around me if we stayed with friends at the moment. And if the plan didn't work, I'd rather have him in my life as a friend than not at all.

"Thanks Holly, that really helps."

"Harry, Harry, Harry. What would you do without me?"

I laughed loudly as she left the room. I sat there for a bit longer, just thinking. I stared at myself in the mirror. Would Niall like what he saw? I wasn't anything interesting. A mop of dark curls sat uncontrollably on top of my head, nearly covering my dull green eyes. Sure, I had dimples, and some people thought that was cute, but I thought it made me look like a kid. I guess it didn't matter much because, at the moment, I was only going for friends.

I left the room and went looking for Niall. I felt better now, not much better but enough that I wouldn't throw up all over Niall right as I opened my mouth. God, can you imagine how embarrassing that would be?

Suddenly, I heard a familiar booming laugh echo towards me. I looked up quickly to see Liam and Zayn laughing not too far from me. With them was some brown haired boy I didn't recognize, but figured must be the Louis Liam mentioned earlier. He stared at Liam with love struck eyes, smiling adoringly. It was really cute, if I was being honest. And in front of the unfamiliar boy was a blonde haired boy with dark roots showing clearly underneath.

I walked up slowly from behind. When I got closer I saw Louis' eyes widen in shock at the sight I me. I smiled at him and shook my head, bringing a finger to my lips. He smiled brightly and ignored me. I took a deep breath to calm myself, staring at the back of his head. I could barely breathe but managed to get a single word out.


Still the One (Narry)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora