Tell Me

477 24 14

Soul's POV

"Good morning, Soul!" Maka called as I entered the living room. I looked over at her, rubbing my eye, and smiled. She gave me a closed eyed smile and sat on the couch with a book.

Since we didn't have class today, I decided I'd go out and get her something. Lately I've had this feeling about Maka that I just can't explain. Actually, I think I've always felt this way about her. I just only now realized it.

"Hey, Maka?" I asked as I headed to the door. She looked up at me from her book, a curious look on her face.


"I'm going out for a bit. To run a few errands. I'll be back later, okay?" My hand grabbed the doorknob.

"Okay," she responded, sounding disappointed. As much as I wanted to spend the whole day with her, I couldn't. I wanted to do something special for her, and I needed to figure out what this feeling was.

I stepped outside and into the cool breeze. It was just dusk, the sun barely up. I stretched as I made my way down the street.

Hardly any shops were open, so I decided I'd just find someplace that I could be alone to think. Maybe after everything opened up, I'd go get some food to cook for Maka.

I made my way to the forest just outside the DWMA. Once I got there and found a place to sit, I discovered I wasn't alone. Someone was leaning against a tree ahead of me, and we made eye contact. It's Maka's old man...I began to turn around and leave when he spoke.

"You look like something's bothering you, Evans." He stepped forward. I turned and sat down, sighing.

"What's the feeling you get when you can't stop thinking about someone? When they're on your mind 24/7? When you know you'll do anything for them? When you can't stand to see them hurt? When-" Spirit cut me off with his response.

"Love." He sat down next to me and stared at the sky. "You love Maya, don't you?"

"Yeah," I nodded sheepishly. "I'd give the world for her. She's more than my meister. I'd die for her. I want to always be there for her. I want to be her shoulder to cry on. I want to protect her, and be with her the rest of my life. She completes me. Without her, my soul would be torn apart. I love Maka..."

Spirit gave me a small, warm smile, and I returned it. He then stood up and held his hand out. I took it and stood up as well.

"Then it's time you told her. But Evans," he looked at me cautiously. "If you hurt my little girl you'll regret it." And that was all he said before he began walking away. I chuckled and headed in the opposite direction, towards town. I'll get Maka a little something, then head home to tell her how I feel...

I quickly headed over to Deathbucks, eager to get back to Maka and I's apartment. But, I was also scared. What if she didn't feel the same way about me, and it ruined everything between us?

It didn't take long to order her mocha and head outside. My feet led outside with the warm cup in my hand. That's when I saw something in the sky. Snow.

It had just started, but was getting heavier by the minute. I tried to keep warm as I crossed the street, and almost bumped into someone. I looked up at them and apologized, but stopped mid-sentence.

"Maka?" I asked, staring at my partner in surprise. She coughed and looked up at me, trying to smile. "What are you doing here?" I held her arm and looked at her.

"I was, um, getting kinda lonely...So I came looking for you, but..." her face looked down, and she poked her fingers together. She coughed again, and I noticed she didn't look well.

"You're getting sick. C'mon, let's get back home. Here, take this," I handed her the mocha. "Maka?" I asked, my arm wrapped protectively around her as we began walking.

"Yeah?" She looked up at me.

"Never mind," I mumbled, looking away.

"What were you going to say? Tell me," Maka pleaded. Sighing, I faced her and responded.

"Maka, I...I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I think of you as more than a partner or a friend. I love you Maka, and I'd do anything for you. You know that, right?" We made eye contact, and she grinned before coughing.

"I love you, too, Soul." She hugged me and I smiled. We continued down the street until we got to our house. Once inside, Maka and I sat on the couch, keeping each other warm. And since then, we haven't left each other's side.

Sorry that, again, it's short! But I wanted some sweet fluff after all the death and sadness I've written. So enjoy!


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