Five Nights at Freddy's (SoMa)

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This was inspired by NyanCatLover12334 because she loves FNAF. Although I haven't seen much of the game, imma try to make a crossover. Here goes!

Maka's POV

"Soul?" I called out, wondering if he was still here. Earlier I had gone out to see Tsubaki, and I had just returned.

There was no answer, and I sighed. He would probably be here shortly, and it was his turn to cook dinner. My feet led me to the couch, and I slumped onto it.

"Hey, Maka!" Soul grinned as he came inside. I glanced up at him and smiled. He had a box of pizza in his hand, and I immediately sat up.

"I just discovered a new restaurant. Well, it's more of a kid's place. Its called Freddy Fazbear's Pizza or something. They also hired me to be a security guard there." My eyes widened when Soul said the last sentence.

"You got a job?!" I stood up and made my way towards him. He opened the box, picked up a slice of pizza, and chomped down on it.

"Yeah," he mumbled through a bite. "It's at night, so I figured it wouldn't take much effort. I start tonight, so imma head down there after we eat. Plus, I figured it'd be fun to bring you, and watch you freak out when I scare ya!" He flashed a toothy grin and continued eating.

"Soul, I'm not staying up tonight at some cheesy restaurant. I need to study. We do have a test tomorrow." I grabbed a slice and bit into it.

"Eh, who cares? C'mon, Maka. Just this once?" He gave me a pleading look, and I gave in. Mainly because I knew he was stubborn and wouldn't stop until he got what he wanted.

"Great! C'mon!" Soul grabbed my arm before I could finish eating. "This is gonna be so fun!" He smiled deviously, and I knew I would regret coming.

Once we walked inside Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, a man walked up to us. "Good luck!" He called, exiting. As he stepped outside, he locked the door.

A sighed escaped me and I sat in the nearest chair. Soul stepped into another room, and I began playing with a napkin.

The lights suddenly all went off at once, and I shot up. "Soul, that isn't fumny! Turn the lights back on!" I yelled, irritated.

When I didn't get a response, I began to panic. The building remained dark, and chill bumps covered my arms. Creaks sounded from one of the halls nearby, and I crossed my arms.

"Soul, that's enough!" I stomped down the hall closest to me. My eyes widen when I saw what looked like a teddy bear. But, it wasn't a soft and cuddly teddy bear. Instead, it was an anamatronic.

Before it could look my way, there was a scream ahead. My eyes widened when I realized who the scream belonged to. Now I knew Soul wasn't playing around.

"SOUL!?" I ran towards the cries of agony. The animatronic bear remained still as I ran past it. I burst through the door at the end of the hall, scared as to what I'd find.

My eyes widened at the sight, and I froze. Soul was lying on the ground in front of me, covered in blood. His eyes were wide and faced the ceiling. As soon as he looked my way, I screamed and ran to him.

"Soul?!" I lifted his head up. He looked at me and smiled, and we locked eyes. I looked back at him in fear.

"Y-You're gonna be okay! Just stay with me!" I burst into tears. Soul coughed up blood and spoke.

"Maka, this was so not cool. I'm sorry. I've been meaning to tell you something. Maka, I love you." His eyes rolled back when he finished, and he gave his last breath. I cried harder.

There was a creak I'm the doorway, and I slowly turned to face it. Standing there were three animatronics, and I knew my death awaited me.

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