Side Note

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There's something I want to address here, because it's kinda irritating. I'm not going to point anyone out, but if you don't like someone's story, that doesn't mean make rude comments about it. Maybe give helpful feedback, or just don't read it at all. Oh, here's an idea; focus on your own improvement. Don't go around hating on other's, because you're not perfect yourself. If something doesn't satisfy you, why keep reading it? Are you just that bored? Can you not move on? I'm sorry, but I had to get that out. It's not cool to hate or be mean to others. I'm not just talking about people doing it to me. It's all over Wattpad. Just stop. It's ridiculous. Thank you guys who've been supportive and given me kind feedback or helpful things I can improve on. I really appreciate it. Just wanted to get that out.

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