Growing Family

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Okay, so I dunno if the pic for this will load. My phone's being stupid. Also, I'm taking requests for any ships or storylines. Enjoy!

Soul's POV

"I don't feel so good. I'll be back," Maka said as she stood from the couch. She quickly made her way across the living room and into the bathroom. I watched her, concerned about her health.

Maka and I had been dating for a while. We had finally gotten engaged a couple weeks ago, but didn't know when we'd get married. We also never got to tell her old man the news. But he heard she's been sick lately, and wanted to come over.

"MAAAAKAAAA! PAPA'S HERE!" Someone yelled from outside. Groaning, I stood up to get the door. As soon as I opened it, Spirit rushed inside.

"Where's my Maka?!" He asked, looking anxiously around the room. I rolled my eyes and closed the door before walking back to my previous spot.

"She's in the bathroom," I responded. He sighed and looked at me, a serious expression on his face. "Maka said you two needed to talk to me about something..." He started.

"Oh, um...yeah. Here's the thing. I proposed to Maka not that long ago. But, I wanted your approval. I love Maka, and I'd do anything for her. I wake up thinking about her, and there isn't a moment that she isn't on my mind," I explained.

Spirit wore a blank expression as he processed what I said. Several moments passed before he responded. My stomach felt as if it were in a twist, and I couldn't keep myself from being nervous. Maka may not act like she cares about her dad's opinion, but in actuality, we both did. It would be so uncool if I jus took his daughter and didn't bother winning his approval. He was her dad, after all.

"Alright, Evans," Spirit spoke after thinking. "You can have my little girl. But, if you ever make her suffer, I won't hesitate to make sure you get what you deserve. Take care of her, got it?" His eyes bore into mine. I nodded and grinned. "I won't let anything happen to her. Thanks, Spir-" I began, but stopped when I heard something from the bathroom.

"Maka?!" I yelled. It took mere seconds for me to reach the bathroom door, Spirit close behind me. "You okay?!"

"Soul?" Maka called. "I..." Before she could finish, I heard her burst into tears. Looking at Spirit, I was relieved to see him nod at the door, gesturing for me to go help her. I nodded and opened the bathroom door, quickly closing it behind me.

My eyes widened as I stared down at Maka. She was sitting on the floor, her face covered. She had he knees up to her chest, and I knelt down beside her.

"Hey, Maka? What's wrong?" I asked, putting an arm on her shoulder. She buried her face deeper, but the crying eased. I could hear her mumble something, but wasn't sure what.

"What? Maka, please, tell me what's wrong." I shook her gently. She looked up at me, sniffling and rubbing her nose.

"If I tell you, you may get mad and leave. I...I can't...I can't take you leaving!" Her eyes blinked more tears, and I pulled her close.

"I won't leave. Ever. I'd do anything for you. Just please, tell me what's wrong," I begged. She rubbed her eyes and stared at the floor.

"Nothing's wrong. It's just..." she started, but stopped. Her head tilted towards me, and I noticed a small, sad smile on her face.

"Just what?" I asked, making eye contact with her.

"We're gonna have a family..." She answered, her voice barely above a whisper.

"You mean...?" My eyes stared into hers, a smile forming on my face.

"Yeah. I'm pregnant," she responded.

"Maka, I'd never leave you for that." I stated, hugging her. She sniffled a last time, and we both stood up. There was a knock on the bathroom door, and both our faces jerked towards it.

"Your old man's out there. I told him about our engagement, but..." I trailed off, concern filling up inside me.

"It's okay. He needs to know anyways. C'mon, let's go," she nervously made her way to the door. Her hand grabbed the knob, and she turned and opened it.

We stepped into the living room, Spirit following us. His face was expressionless as he watched us.

"Papa? I, um, have something to tell you..." Maka started. His face softened, and he spoke. "Yeah?"

"We, um...Well, we're gonna...start a family..." Maka stared at the floor again, her arms nervously behind her back.

"You're telling me a stork visited you, right?" Spirit asked, a tick mark growing on his face.

"No...Y-You know how it works, dad. It's the same way you and mom had me..." Maka began to panic.

"And by that, you mean..." Spirit glared at me, hoping for a different answer than the one I was about to give him.

"We did it, old man. Same way all babies are made," I stated matter-of-factly. His face grew red, and he stormed over to me. One hand snatched me by the collar, and the other balled into a fist.

"You little octopus head! You're gonna get it!" He growled, drawing a fist back. I stared at him blankly, before I noticed Maka behind him.

"Makaaaaaaa-CHOP!" She yelled, and Spirit let go of me. He laid on the floor, dazed. I chuckled and pulled Maka close. She blushed and looked at me sheepishly. When Spirit came to, he stood and gave Maka an apologetic look.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to have a new addition, but..." his eyes watered, and I rolled my eyes. Here we go again... "MY LITTLE MAKA'S GROWING UP SO FAST!" He burst into dramatic tears. I sighed, and grinned to Maka, the girl I'd spend the rest of my life with.

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