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Ashtons POV

When I was diagnosed with leukaemia at twelve, I had taken it pretty well, considering. I'd always wanted to see my mum again; not even pictures could compare with reality. Death didn't scare me any more. It was no longer a threatening end. More like an attractive beginning.

When my doctor walked back into the check up room, I could tell by his face that it wasn't good news. "How long have I got?" I asked, glancing at my aunt, who was staring at the book in her lap. My uncle pete paced the room, head down.

My doctor said nothing. He went to his desk and started shuffling through his drawers. With a grunt of satisfaction he pulled out a thick brown Manila folder and opened it. Then he looked at me, but didn't speak before getting up and opening the office window. "Gets stuffy in this little hellhole of an office", he said with a forced smile. "shirt off please Ashton".

He looked at me with a forced smile again. "I'm not so good at hiding what I know, am I Ash?"

"No, sir"
"You're not afraid of the truth are you, Ashton?"
"No, sir". My jaw was tight.
"You can handle it then?"
"Yes, sir". My voiced dropped but stayed fixed on my doctors face.
"Well Ashton, you have a matter of months. I'm sorry"

My aunt wailed and her book thumped on the floor. "It's your fault! He should of never of had that transplant!". My uncle held her gently as she turned and cried in his arms.

My doctor spoke with hesitation, "I don't think it would of made a difference".

"You could have saved him!! Stupid bloody doctors!" She came over and hugged me, yet I stayed as still as a statue.

"I'll leave you guys to it then", my doctor said, about to leave.
"No, stay" I told him before turning to my uncle. "Pete can you do something for me?"

"Sure Ashton, what's that?"

"You're going back down to my home town soon, take me with you?"

My aunts head snapped up from my shoulder, "what?"

"I said I want to go there".

"But that's where your mum...."

"My mum died on spencer road. I want to die there too"

My aunt started shaking, "I'm sorry Ashton but I can't do this, 5 years is enough" she wiped her eyes "I can't watch you die".

My uncle pulled her into a hug and looking at me he spoke. "I can do that but your aunt won't be coming".

I nodded

"You know, I'm not that good with dealing with the physical pain and all, maybe you could ask a friend to come along".

I nodded again, "Luke, he's coming"

"That's fine, we'll be leaving after exams, so you have six weeks to tell him".

I nodded, even though there is no point me doing exams... jeez some people.

He died and became an angel - Ashton Irwin Where stories live. Discover now