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Back at school the next day....

"Excuse me", Ashton said. "Are you Y/N?"
"That's right"
"Hi", he said, offering her his hand. "I believe we met once before, on the corridor floor".
A faint smile lifted the corners of her mouth. Her eyes don't smile
"I remember", she replied, shaking his hand. "Sorry about that".
"No harm done", Ashton said, trying his best to give her a charming smile. "It's a nice morning, don't ya think?"
"Very". This was the first time any male had ever spoken to her nicely. He was good looking, she thought. Except pale, very pale. She couldn't take her eyes off him. There was something about him, some inner strength, that left her in complete awe of him.

It started getting silent and slightly awkward. "Well I'm gonna get going, nice talking to you Y/N". He smiled and left, He walked round the corner and saw Luke standing at his locker.
"Hey Luke"
"Hello boys" Sierra cried, appearing from no where.
"Hey Sierra", Ashton said, smiling a friendly smile.
"Is something wrong Ashton?", Sierra said slightly confused.
"No, nothing", He smiled again. "wanna come away with me and Luke after exams?".
"Omg! Sure, sounds good", she smiled and nudged Luke, "Maybe we can invite Ashtons lover gal too", Sierra laughed.
"Go on see if I care!".
"Wait what?"
"Well me and Y/N are now friends, I decided to talk to her.... and well I just txted her inviting her".

Ashtons face went blank.
Luke and Sierra laughed. "don't worry mate", Luke patted his shoulder before wondering off with Sierra.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2020 ⏰

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