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A few days later, Ashton sat among the cushions at Luke's house. They were battling on the computer.
"Have you seen Sierra lately?" Ashton asked.
"No, not for about a week".
"She's been looking for you, ya know".
"It can't of been important or she'd have the armed forces on patrol"
Ashton laughed softly, "do you think she likes you Luke?"
"We understand each other that's all".
"Maybe it's more then that".
"I don't know mate, I think she would of told me though". said Luke, "what about you and Y/N though".
"Well, I don't really know her but she is a bit of a babe, I might talk to her".
"If you want", Luke shrugged

There was silence while Ashton tried to decide if now was the time. Finally he cleared his throat. "Luke, I've got something to tell you".
"It's ..... it's the cancer, mate".
"It's came back"
"What? I thought you went into remission ages ago. You said it was gone"
"It was but it came back"
The computer screen flashed GAME OVER and Luke's gaze dropped to the floor. "I.... How long?".
"I'll be lucky if I get to Christmas. That's one visit off santas list".
Luke was staring at him solemnly. "How can you joke about this? How can you know you're dying and laugh about it?"
Ashton smiled. "I've done all the crying Luke, laughter is the only thing I have left".
"Not true, you have me".
"Thanks Luke, and .... I'm going back home soon with my uncle... For good. It's where my mum died. I want to die there too".
It was quiet.
"Well my aunt isn't going down so I have room to take someone down with me. So I was wondering if you wanted to come? Sierra too".
"You don't like Sierra" Luke said flatly
"Maybe if I knew her better I would. She doesn't have to know anything."
"And you think that's fair?"
"Do you think that's fair, not telling her? She walks in one day and asks 'where's Ashton?' And I say 'he's dead. Didn't you know?' Oh, I'm sure that would make her feel really great".
Ashton hadn't thought of that. "well then we can tell her when we get down there, okay?"
"Yeah" Luke forced a smile.
"Good", Ashton said, and began to rub his temples.
"Are you okay?" Luke asked.
"No. I'm dying" Ashton joked.
But he meant it.

He died and became an angel - Ashton Irwin Where stories live. Discover now